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  • Tags: Lancaster

First, a group of 12 men in uniform and flying suits standing under the starboard wing of a Lancaster with David is standing sixth right. Five of the men are wearing side caps and five are wearing flying suits and parachute harnesses. Parachute bags…

Nine photographs, LH page first one is of Lancaster nose, someone leaning out of cockpit window, squadron letter U visible. Second is of starboard engines of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Taken from Uncle in flight - over ten tenths cloud'. Third…

Five airmen sitting in front and seven aircrew wearing battledress or tunic with brevet, They are under a Lancaster.

Three photographs mounted on a page.
Top: Eight aircrew in battledress, seven standing in a line by the open rear door of a Lancaster and one seated on the tailplane. It is captioned: 'Crew of PA 320 AY-S'.
Bottom left: Vertical aerial photograph…

On the LH page, two aircrew sitting in the entrance hatch of a Lancaster, in flying equipment. Captioned 'Two representatives of the Nav Union 103 Squadron. F/O Kev CURTIN on the left and F/Sgt later F/O Pat CURTIN.
Australian twin brothers and…

Left, top. Two aircrew embracing each other beside a Lancaster. On the fuselage the squadron code letters 'KM' are visible. On the reverse is written: '2 of my crew 44 Sqd'.

Left, bottom. Six airmen grouped at the side of a Lancaster. Four are…

Top right - 13 men and one woman stood or sitting in front of the tail of a Lancaster, and dressed in a mixture of civilian and military clothing (six of them are in flying gear). Captioned ‘The “Boys” of A&B Witchford 1945’. Centre - Seven…

On the right, six aircrew wearing battledress and side caps stand to attention in line. Behind them five airmen also in battledress and side caps. In the centre in front of the aircrew an air marshal in tunic and peaked cap addresses the aircrew…

Eight airmen standing and three kneeling in front of Lancaster 'G for George'. The machine guns have been removed from the front turret. An aircrew member is standing on the right, wearing sunglasses.

Aircrew and ground crew stand in front of and on a Lancaster, which has the letter 'S', a cartoon of walking person on the port nose plus a bomb log of 24 operations, three of which are ice-cream cones. There is also a beer tankard. Some crew sit on…

Four photographs from an album. #1 Seven airmen on the port wing of their Lancaster. #2 six airmen #3 seven airmen under the port wing of their Lancaster. #4 the same seven airmen with seven ground crew under the wing of their Lancaster.

Seven aircrew wearing battledress standing in line behind eight ground crew squatting down. In the background a Lancaster with cartoon chorus girl nose art. Maurice Kemp is second from right back row. Additional information about this item was…

Top - two airmen, one wearing battledress, the other a tunic with pilot's brevet and both with peaked caps, standing behind the port tailplane of a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'P/O Jock Cassells and 2nd pilot, P/O E. White - both of 106…

Seven airmen standing in front of a Lancaster. In the background a lorry and engine trestles.

Seven airmen standing in front of a Lancaster.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form: no better quality copies are available.

Top left - newspaper cutting (London Gazette) with citation for Pilot Officer Baker and Warrant Officer Meek.
Top right - newspaper cutting - Lancaster lands on bomb door. Account of badly damage Lancaster with wounded crew returning from operation…

Left page - top left - an large group of aircrew, two rows sitting and one standing, all wearing battledress with side or peaked caps on grass in front of a Nissen hut. Captioned '44 (Rhodesia) Squadron flight engineers RAF Spilsby, Lincolnshire, Nr…

Two men standing on left with several others bending down over parachutes in front of a van with open serving hatch on the right. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'Issued on behalf of National Y.M.C.A/S'. Two versions.

Five aircrew standing in front of a van with serving hatch open. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'W/C Gomm 2nd from left, F/Sgt Lee 4th from left'.

Seven aircrew, six standing, one seated, in front of Lancaster, V, on an airfield dispersal. All the men are in flying suits and boots. Behind the crew, under the aircraft, can be seen one other man in uniform. Nose art with head and shoulders of a…

Seven aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet standing in line in front of a Lancaster. Two versions of same item. On the reverse 'Harold Fry (extreme right), crew of Lancaster bomber 1943'. Caption note 'Names of crew of ED867, L to R, Ludlow,…

Seven aircrew wearing flying suits standing in front of a Lancaster (with light paint scheme). Arthur Pearce is second from the left.

Front quarter view of a parked Lancaster with snow on the ground. Seven aircrew, six standing and one squatting on left, all wearing Mae West and one airman wearing battledress standing in middle of group. Aircraft has nose art of a woman. Includes…

Six aircrew wearing parachute harnesses standing talking to a man in civilian clothes. In the background a Lancaster. Submitted with description 'Under Secretary for Air Geoffrey Lloyd talking to 35 Sqn Pathfinder aircrew at Gravely'.

MMuirRWL1388470-211008-10 copy.jpg
List of crew members, next of kin and addresses; captain [pilot] Sergeant K H McLean, flight engineer Sergeant S N Leigh, navigator Sergeant D H McLeod, air bomber Sergeant RWL Muir, wireless operator Sergeant R C Barrett, mid upper gunner Sergeant L…
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