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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Catches up with local news and that a number of acquaintances had passed away. Describes investigation of source of parcel he received from Sweden. Describes her and daughter's recent activities and that she had been able to get eggs recently.…

Acknowledges receipt of a number of letters and postcards from him. Mentions his health and that she had asked Red Cross to send violin strings to the camp. Mentions there would be no further private food parcels from the United States and some other…

Describes photographs of Christmas celebrations she is sending and mentions suit she is making suit for daughter Frances. Continues with description of wedding anniversary present her sister has chosen from him and writes of her other activities,…

She writes about making some clothing for their daughter, and that they had both been to the allotments and described the work she did there. She writes that her and a friend spent some time in Central London having lunch, visiting the National…

She writes of greeting new year. Continues mentioning that she has sent a clothes parcel and lists the items in the parcel; that some of his clothes have been moth-eaten and she is trying to mend them; of taking her daughter to church for the first…

Acknowledges receipt of a number of his letters. Pleased her clothing parcel to him has arrived and will try and send his requirements in next parcel. Details chess moves and talks of violin strings he has asked for. Gives advice on washing socks and…

Writes long account about his sister's wedding, describes his new brother in law and mentions many people she met. Catches up with other family news and tells of her other activities. Mentions letters received from Switzerland and Sweden about…

Writes about photographs of daughter and describes weeks events, including her birthday. Mentions looking at furniture for future home and buying a tray for Christmas present. Continues with description of her other activities and news of daughter's…

She writes about attending an ambulance station bazaar which Dame Myra Hess formally opened; going to hear a speech by Sir Walter Monkton about prisoners of war; selling flags on Flag day for London; daily/social activities and her factory work.

Writes about his sister's upcoming wedding and getting an enlargement of his photograph from Red Cross headquarters. Continues with news of her and daughters activities along with other gossip. Continues with news of progress collecting for prisoner…

Reports arrival of his latest letter with enclosed photograph which she has sent to his parents. Continues with family/acquaintances news and hopes he has received photographs she sent. Announces news that her parents should be home in the spring and…

Writes she is sorry that number of letters he can receive a month has been reduced to four and that she has tracked source of other correspondence. Mentions that she has got a job to help war effort and that her sister and neighbours would help to…

Writes of making cakes for prisoner of war raffle and collecting contributions round the neighbourhood. Catches up with friends news and mentions offer from chartered accountants library to supply professional material. Writes of other organisations…

Starts with requests about his crew and other discussion of gallantry award for his pilot. Continues with news of daily activities of friends and family. Mentions trying to get a doll's pram for daughter and a tells of her wearing a new costume as…

Writes of day to day activities and domestic maters. Mentions that she is not sending photographs as none have been taken recently. Catches up with news of friends and mentions that bad weather has prevented gardening. Writes that Frances came out in…

Comments on problems with censorship of letters and tells of her attempts to get food parcels from foreign countries. Mentions she was touched by descriptions of him learning violin. Catches up with family and friends news and her attempts to find…

Writes of her activities and domestic matters including making chutney and marmalade as well as going to Red Cross meeting to receive mementos her for work done on penny a week club. Continues with description of church service arranged for next of…

Writes about daughter Frances being 18 months old, has no sign of measles and her putting squash ball in the oven where it melted. Continues with family news and description of her recent activities. Mentions that Red Cross is sending medicines and…

Thanks him for recent letters and mentions raining medical supplies issues with Red Cross headquarters. Glad he has joined church choir and decided to study English literature. Discuses other potential study and lack of mail from his family. She goes…

Writes of getting violin music and tutors for him as well as enquiring about his violin and where he practices. Catches up with family news.

Writes of letters received and contents of parcel sent and intended for future based in his lists of requirements. Writes about his violin lessons and comments that prisoner of war monthly journal mentioned his camp had a dance band and symphony…

She writes that she had visitors for tea including his parents who brought some tomatoes and peaches, also a gift for their daughter. She mentions that she will be sending him a book she had ordered called Agriculture, which she hopes will arrive…

Reacts positively to his news that he is getting more to eat and is feeling better. Says she hopes he should be receiving food parcel from overseas soon. Catches up with news of family and friends and says she is complying with his suggestion that…

She writes about the piano tuner turning up at the same time as the window cleaner. There have been 6 houses burgled recently in the area and she has recently seen Gone with the Wind, which she hopes they can see upon his return.

Writes telling him she went to the West End to have her hair cut and she tells him of the shopping she bought for their home. She talks of a meeting, organised by the Red Cross for the next – of - kin of prisoners of war. Plus other news from home…
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