Browse Items (771 total)

  • Tags: sport

Three young men receiving trophies from elderly lady standing behind trestle table, school children in the background. Signature on reverse. Captioned 'St James annual sports meeting 1st June 1938. Being presented with long jump cup - also won two of…


Seven photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are a man in shorts doing boxing practice, captioned 'Doug (Bully) Walker'.
Photos 4, 5, 6 and 7 are men and donkeys captioned 'Donkey Races Christmas 1944'.

Top left - an airman wearing desert uniform with shorts sitting on a motorbike, in the background Nissen huts. Captioned 'On the bike at Ein Shemer'. Top centre - five airmen sitting in a jeep with goal posts in the background. Captioned 'Fred,…

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Seven athletes competing in a running race, Dominion Day Sports. The lead athlete has just broken the winning tape. They are being watched by a large group of spectators.
In Bob's memoirs he identifies Keith Mills as the winning athlete.

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A biography of his life. He joined the RAF as a wireless operator/air gunner. He volunteered for the Special Operations Exceutive. He was shot down in the Black Forest area and ended up at Sagan, Stalag Luft 3. He spent time building secret radios…

Photo 1 is F G Bower and a woman standing in a garden.
Photo 2 is two men sitting on a train, annotated 'Corpl Booth & Bewsher in Train'.
Photo 3 is a man working in a garden with a boy looking on.
Photo 4 is three men dressed for tennis with…

17 rugby players. 16 men in rugby kit. One dressed in airman's uniform. They are arranged in three rows, one kneeling, one stooped and the third standing. The are positioned in front of the rugby ball. Behind is a hut and some bare trees.

17 rugby players. 16 men in rugby kit. One dressed in airman's uniform. They are arranged in three rows, one kneeling, one stooped and the third standing. The are positioned in front of the rugby ball. Behind is a hut and some bare trees.

A group of airmen in fancy dress. On the reverse 'The Group Captain (x) about to enter a scrum.'

A cartoon of two women fencing, captioned 'We die a thousand deaths'.

A cartoon of two women dripping in sweat and wobbly at the knees captioned 'How we feel after 30 minutes of it'.

Photo 1 is F G Bower sitting on a wooden fence.
Photo 2 is F G Bower in Sidcot suit and leather gauntlets.
Photo 3 is a man sitting at a desk.
Photo 4 is a batsman with his bat above his head, annotated 'Tom Aston At the nets'.
Photo 5 is a man…

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Five airmen standing on a pavement with a bicycle. On the reverse 'The Club, outside our favourite stopping place, The 'V' Restuarant[sic]. Aden Oct 1946'.

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Three airmen in shirt sleeves sitting on the ground with a bicycle alongside. Surrounding them are three air force personnel wearing tunic and carrying gas mask cases, The one on the left has pilot's brevet and the one on the right sergeants stripes.…

Five men in swimming trunks standing knee deep in water. On the reverse 'Greg, Don, Geordie, Junior & Jack at Conquest Bay. Aden Nov. 1946'.


Five men on a tennis court holding their racquets, Trees are visible in the background.


A magazine published for airmen at the Bulawayo base. It includes, news, jokes, cartoons and adverts.

A magazine produced at the camp for airmen. It has news, jokes, cartoons and adverts.

A magazine published by RAF Bulawayo with sports news, jokes and news.

Caricature of a man wearing cricket kit and cap carrying a bat walking to the left.

A brief biography of Raymond by his sister, Marie Laydon.

A goal keeper and three players near a goal on a football pitch surrounded by a very large number of spectators. Captioned 'Football at RAF Lydda'. Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.


A large crowd of spectators on makeshift grandstand with football pitch to the left. Captioned 'Football at RAF Lydda (stands made from shipping crates)'.
Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.


Page has a number of English and Scottish soccer teams with numerical data.


A group of eleven men playing football, watched by a referee in full uniform and flat cap and man in football kit. On the reverse 'Football in the shadow of Mt."Imetos" '


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