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  • Tags: pilot

Three similar photographs showing the same six aircrew all wearing tunics and side cap standing in line in front of a Wellington. In the background trees. David Donaldson is third from the left.

Five aircrew seated and one standing round a table with maps and intelligence officer sitting on left. On the reverse 'F/Sgt Lee standing, L/R S/Ldr Henity interrogating W/C Gomm pilot'.

Five aircrew standing in front of a van with serving hatch open. In the background part of a bomber aircraft. On the reverse 'W/C Gomm 2nd from left, F/Sgt Lee 4th from left'.

Eight aircrew all wearing battledress, some with brevet visible and holding cups, gathered round two urns. Another airman in background left.

Top left - five pilots wearing flying helmets with goggles or peaked cap gather round a briefing officer all looking at a map. Captioned 'Being briefed'. Top right - five pilots wearing flying helmets with goggles or peaked cap gather round a…

MMuirRWL1388470-211008-10 copy.jpg
List of crew members, next of kin and addresses; captain [pilot] Sergeant K H McLean, flight engineer Sergeant S N Leigh, navigator Sergeant D H McLeod, air bomber Sergeant RWL Muir, wireless operator Sergeant R C Barrett, mid upper gunner Sergeant L…

Aircrew officer, full length, in uniform, pilots brevet, standing on steps in front of ornate entrance to large brick building.

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Two versions of the same strip (b/w and colour) with enlargements of all slides.
Slide 1 - captioned 'Re-visit Easton Lodge N Chaffey, Ben Crocker,Frank Pearman, Before Brian - '. Three men in civilian clothes in garden of a large house. Man on left…

The crew of V for Victor stand in a line under the nose of their Halifax 'ZA-V'. Captioned
'Aircrew V-Victor Halifax Mark III
No 10 Squadron No. 4 Group Royal Air Force- Bomber Command Melbourne Yorkshire England
Completed 38 Operations -July…

A large group of aircrew dressed in flying clothing, helmets and parachutes standing in front of a line of Avro Cadet biplane training aircraft. In the background a building with '[..] Training Ltd'. David Donaldson is standing fourth from the right.

Seven aircrew, six seated on bomb trolley, with pilot standing, in front of Lancaster, E, parked on dispersal. All aircrew wearing flight suits. Some are wearing Mae Wests.

Left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and side cap standing outside a brick house with window. Captioned '"Connie" Constable of No 35 Sqdn, shot down and made prisoner at La Pallice'.
Right - view from behind of pilot…

An airman in flying kit standing at the front of his aircraft. A ground crew airman is working behind him. On the reverse 'George with Halifax'.

A triple exposed photograph. The clearest image is a pilot and a WAAF standing outside The Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth. Next there is a silhouette of a flying aircraft then finally a line of airmen. On the reverse is a handwritten comment which…

An airman wearing flying suit standing in front of the port wing of a Wirraway trainer.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

An airman sitting at the pilot's seat. On the reverse 'Commanding Officer of RAF Stn Iraq 1945'.

An airman sitting in a Spitfire. He is wearing a Mae West lifejacket.

Two photographs from an album.
#1 is a half length portrait of an airman in flying kit inside an aircraft.
#2 is a pilot in his seat in an Anson. It is stamped Mar 1942.

An airman in uniform lying on a bed. On the reverse is a photographer's mark '328'.

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Top left - an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and side cap sitting on a bench with pigeons. Captioned 'Trapper on Boston Common, Sept 43'.
Top right - view from rear of an airman sitting on a bench in a park watching a squirrel perched on…

View of an airmen sitting in left hand pilot's seat in cockpit of an aircraft. Submitted with caption 'Dad Trainer'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

View from inside aircraft of an airman in the left hand pilot's seat. Submitted with caption 'PDW Austor Mallala Jul 43'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

View looking up at an airman wearing flying helmet on the right side of Wellington cockpit. The arm of the pilot in left hand seat is visible on the right of the image. On the reverse 'Grandads co-pilot (Pilot Officer Sznidel) and grandads arm with…

Half-length portrait of a man wearing heavy flying suit with building on the right and another in the distant background. On the reverse '[..] photograph taken at Darr Aero Tech'

Full length image of an airman wearing great coat with pilot officer rank and side cap standing on grass with a Wellington in the background. On the reverse 'Co-pilot (Pilot Officer Sznidel)'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with…
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