Browse Items (35368 total)

A Lancaster with the name of its crew underneath. It refers to an operation over Genoa on 22/23 October 1942. JHP Dwyer was in the crew.

First, a sketch of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Duisburg, 6/7 Sept. 1942 F/Sgt Turner, Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass, Sgt Osterloh. 61 Squadron.' Signed 'A Pollen P/O 1942.' Second, the damaged port engine of a…

First, a sketch of a Lancaster in flight, captioned 'Wismar, 12/13.X.42 F/Sgt Turner, F/Sgt Anderson, Sgt Davies, Sgt Hunter, Sgt Coombes, Sgt Cass, Sgt Osterloh. 61 Squadron.' Signed 'A Pollen P/O 1942.' Second, four men in uniform and side caps…

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The log covers three years, from 10 June 1940 to August 1943. Initial notes are about civil defence preparedness: posters with black-out instructions are issued, shelters are set up. The first alarm is logged on 22 June 1940, followed by only two…

Covers a time frame of two weeks: alarms are reported nearly every day.

Bombing and alarms are on the increase in March 1944, with alarms reported nearly every day in May and June. From mid-May bombings in the whole Pistoia province intensify.

Covers a time frame of two months, with some additional notes about events in spring of 1945. In July, several bombings are logged, while in August they diminish to just three. Notes end on 5 September 1944, three days before the front reaches the…

After 8 September 1943, early warnings continue for two days, but nothing is logged until 21 September. Only five bombings are noted, while early warnings decreasing considerably. In October bombings are again on the increase and Pistoia is bombed…

Photo 1 is Ray and colleague, annotated 'Flying Control Types'.
Photo 2 is three ground crew on a tractor, annotated 'Ground Crew Gatwick'.
Photo 3 is two airmen annotated 'Paddy & Geordie'.
Photo 4 is Ray topless at an outside table, annotated…

Left page. Six airmen, one squatting and the others standing, by the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with letter 'K'. On the reverse 'Ground crew 44 Sqd'. Captioned '44 Sqdn ground crew'.
Right page top. Two aircrew wearing battledress and peaked…

Seven aircrew all wearing battledress with brevet stand in line behind four airmen squatting in front. In the background part of the fuselage of a bomber aircraft.

Seven aircrew and three ground personnel, arranged in two ranks, are beneath an aircraft on a dispersal. The front rank of four are kneeling on a tarpaulin, whilst the other six are standing behind. The rear rank are all wearing their uniform caps,…

Four aircrew stand by rear fuselage of a Hampden while four ground crew are under port wing and engine.

Six aircrew standing in back row wearing battledress or tunic. Seven airmen squatting in front wearing battledress. In the background the front of a Halifax with nose art of a lady reclining in a heart. Underneath are bomb symbols. Dennis W Raettig…

Seven aircrew wearing Mae West and parachute harnesses stand in line with two ground crew, third and fifth from the left. Squatting in front, three more ground crew. On the right behind the nose of a Halifax with nose art female figure and text…

Twenty-one airmen, some with aircrew brevet standing and squatting down in two rows in front of a Lancaster. Aircraft has nose art of cat outline holding a bomb.

Four aircrew wearing uniform with aircrew brevet sitting in front while five ground crew wearing overalls stand behind. In the background the front of a Hampden with nose art of a monkey holding a bomb.

Six airmen stand in line under the nose of a Lancaster facing a line of seven aircrew in flying gear walking towards them. A car and more Lancasters in the background.

Eighteen airmen, some with aircrew brevet squatting and standing in a group in front of the rear fuselage of a Lancaster with squadron letters 'JO-T'.

Group of fourteen aircrew and ground crew standing in line in front of a Wellington. Most are wearing tunics and two are wearing battledress. Aircraft has name "Edward III' on the nose below the turret. In the background trees. David Donaldson is…

Eight aircrew and two ground crew standing and squatting in two rows under the nose of a Halifax. Aircraft has 'Daisy Mae' nose art.

Seven aircrew wearing a variety of flying kit, including three with parachutes, stand in a row. Squatting in front are four airmen. On the reverse 'Pocklington 1943 DY-E (Easy), L-R, Back row: Canadian air gunner (midupper), Front row: X, Sgt…

Fifty-six personnel in four rows in front of a four engine bomber. All personnel are wearing tunic and side caps apart from two officers in the back row. Officer in the centre of rear row has pilot's brevet and man on his right a half brevet.

Two versions of the same photograph. Eleven personnel, a mix of air and ground crew sitting on top of a Halifax. One in front of cockpit and one standing in cockpit with peaked hat. Others strung along the top of aircraft and inner port wing. On the…
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