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  • Tags: RAF Woodhall Spa

To officer at Ministry of Aircraft Production thanking him for returning gloves and apologising that he was unable to call on him recently after a conference.

To chief engineer of Messier Aircraft Equipment Ltd thanking him for diary. Provides a pleasant memory of three years flying Halifax. Writes he is now flying Lancaster but hopes they can meet again.

States he has no vacancy at the moment but will have in a few days and writes he would like him then.

Letter to officer at RAF Film Production Unit thanking him for three films and expressing his appreciation.

From Officer at RAF Film Production Unit enclosing three reels of 16 mm Kodachrome for use with squadron. Gives advice on using film and invites Cheshire to his unit.

States that he is now serving on a squadron which makes it impossible to make plans to be in touch or accept his invitation.

Requests supply of two dozen chamois leathers at price quoted of 45 shillings per dozen.

Letter to Group Captain A C Evans Evans requesting he look into five electro-plated tankards which went missing on squadron move to RAF Woodhall Spa

On Vickers-Armstrong headed paper classified most secret. Congratulates Cheshire on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order. Goes on to discuss bomb plots sent to Wallis. Concludes with statement on penetration depths of the new Tallboy bomb.…

From officer at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough. Thanks respondent for memorandum and goes on to discuss that operational efficiency of Bomber Command could be greatly enhanced by maintenance in good order of automatic pilot.

From Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough provides information from experts at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough concerning trimming Mosquito VI to avoid sideslip. After technical explanation goes on to discuss fitting new artificial…

Making arrangements for a Cheshire to visit Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Farnborough. Goes on to discuss aircraft navigation instrument problems with which RAE may help. Concludes with discussion of photographs and thanks for recent visit to…

A pilot wearing battledress with pilot's brevet stands with hands in his pockets in the snow in front of a two story Tudor style building with gabled windows. On the reverse '617 Sqdn Petwood Hotel (our Mess) 1943/4, AF197'.

A Group Captain, wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, and a peaked cap stands with his right hand on a large bomb in the bomb bay of a Lancaster. On the reverse '[....]. Johnny Fauqier'. Reported as Gp Cpt J E Fauquier, OC 617…

Four women sitting on a lawn. The middle two are in air force uniform and the end two in waitress dress. In the background a two story Tudor period building with many windows. On the reverse 'Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa, officers' mess 617 squadron,…

Four officers standing in a group, In the background left two cars and centre a hangar. From left to right Lieutenant General Spatz, Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Air Commodore Jordan, unidentifiable. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 8 cam 1, 51:51'.

Group of nine United States and Royal Air Force officers standing on an airfield. In the background left a hangar and centre a Lancaster. From left to right Squadron Leader David Shannon, [Air Commodore Jordan], Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

Group of six officers standing on an airfield. Visit of US 8th Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz. From left to right Group Captain Philpott (Station Commander RAF Woodhall Spa), Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Lieutenant General…

Shows nose of a B-17 and the inboard port engine. Nose art of a show girl with 'Little Audrey above her'. B-17 in which US officials travelled to RAF Woodhall Spa. 31 March 1944'. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 2 Cam 2, 51:48'. Addition information…

Group of six officers standing by the tail of a B-17. US 8th Air force Commander Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz being greeted. From left to right Leonard Cheshire, Air Commodore J Jordan, Air Vice Marshall Cochrane, Lieutenant General Doolittle,…

Air Vice Marshall Cochrane greeting Lieutenant General Spaatz as he gets out of B-17, followed by Lieutenant General Jimmy Doolittle and Brigadier General MacDonald. On the reverse '5.4.44, MSC99, 1 Cam 1, 51:46'. Additional information about this…

Three United States officers and one Royal Air Force officer standing behind the tail of a B-17. From left to right Brigadier General Curtis LeMay, Air Vice Marshall the Honourable Ralph Cochrane, Lieutenant General Spatz, Colonel Kimmel. On the…

Brown envelope with Secret marking and instructions on one side with 'S.I.O Woodhall Spa' crossed out and 'Mimoyecques 6/7/42' on the other side.

Message is a copy of Headquarters Bomber Command signal congratulating crews that their attacks on Le Havre and Boulogne succeeded in virtually destroying German naval assets in those harbours.

To officer commanding Conningsby Base RAF Woodhall Spa passing on congratulations on success of Saumur tunnel operation.
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