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  • Tags: evading

States he had recently returned from Gibraltar and would be available for RAF duties after he had been debriefed by M.I.9(b). Directs his further actions and handling.


On the left, an RAF officer wearing greatcoat is shaking hands with a woman on the left who is wearing a dark jacket. On the reverse 'Jack Newton meets Mlle DeJongh. She helped rescue many servicemen and was awarded the George Medal'.

Man and woman in civilian dress standing outside by a greenhouse. Captioned struck through 'Max E Cel [...] Everard (Waterloo), 97 Rue De La Station. The house was requisitioned by the Germans. I had the best bedroom'.


Two story house with double door on left and Dutch roof. Captioned 'Villa "Bois le Comte", Gomze Andomont, 15 miles from Liege. Where we met Emile Witmeur on August 14 1941, Belgium'.


Map showing air route from England to Aachen then escape route through Belgium, France, Spain, Gibraltar and back to Pembroke Dock and London. Top left - badge of Comète with aircraft in flames and star on blue background.

Map of city with airfield highlighted in yellow and circled in red.

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Map showing airfield where aircraft crash landed and locations used while evading.

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Gives account of event when Wellington W5421 of 12 Squadron landed on fire at Antwerp Deurne on 5/6 August 1941. Notes that all crew except Jack Newton became prisoners of war He became the first airman to reach UK using the Comète escape line.…

Cutting with prayer from Psalm 107. Captioned 'Cutting from Penguin paperback which I was reading to Mlle A Becquett whilst being helped by her, Sept 1941'.

Letter looking forward to Jack's visit. Remembers him and other members of his crew. Makes various arrangements to meet when Jack comes to Antwerp.


Confirms information in their previous telegram that her husband is now reported interned from air attaché Madrid. He had arrived in Madrid.

Reports her husband previously reported as interned had arrived safely in Gibraltar


Article about Jack Newton, their Wellington's landing on fire in Antwerp and his subsequent escape with help from Belgian citizens.

Reports that helpers at his first rendezvous had retained Jack Newton's kit. On his return to Belgium he recovered his flying boots and other crew's equipment.

Thanks him for letter and congratulates him on his escape. Encloses a letter of recommendation for Jack's commission. Mentions that he is very busy in the Middle East.

Jack Newton joined the RAF in 1938. He trained as an air gunner and was posted to 12 Squadron at RAF Binbrook. Just before midnight on the 5th of August 1941 Jack and his crew set off for Cologne. They were attacked by a night fighter. One engine was…

Note (Roy's) at top about people being captured and held in Gestapo jail and died in Auschwitz. Letter from someone unknown to Langlois on behalf of his aunt about a person he met while evading in Belgium who was caught and tortured and subsequently…

Half length view of a man wearing checked shirt and a woman sitting side by side on a bench. Captioned 'Roy and "Claire" (Madeleine Lovinfiosse) taken on the run August 1941'.


A list of phrases in English, German, Spanish, French and Dutch. The booklet was issued to airmen to assist in evasion.

A celebration of an act of heroism involving Jack Marsden, Paul and Gaston Charruet. An introduction to the story of Jack Marsden's escape. The second part is a history of the events by Michel Hallard. She describes the screams of Gaston Charruet and…

Four items from a scrapbook.
Item 1 is a postcard from Victor to his mother.
Item 2 is a newspaper cutting referring to the small number of prisoners who escaped back to Britain.
Item 3 is a postcard addressed to Victor.
Item 4 is a cutting about…

Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

Writes on behalf of a local French farmer who is being ostracised for not hiding Robert after he parachuted onto the farmers land. She also asks Robert for his views on the situation.

Account of 142 Squadron crew operation to Kassel wriiten by rear gunner Bob Henderson. Was attacked by night fighter and had to bale out. Continues with account of evading and capture. Reunited with wounded crewmates and transported to prisoner of…

A wallet containing cards with phrases in useful languages.
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