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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 1

Title 'Oddments, Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 1, Bristow's Steam Boat'.

Address page of airgraph from Squadron Leader Robert Wareing, currently a prisoner of war at Stalag Luft 1, to his wife, Joan.

Writes that he is OK and in camp and well treated. Says Red Cross do them well and asks her to send cigarettes. Mentions friend who is OK.

Christmas post card from Stalag Luft 1. Drawing of prisoner of war / Father Christmas on a Red Cross box.

Writes that he is well and that he had received no letters as yet. Writes that they had a merry Christmas as were allowed some beer. Mentions entertainment and seeing new year in. Says contact Red Cross or post office for most suitable writing paper.

Writes that in case she had not heard that there was a message for her from 86325 R Wareing over the German radio - am well recovering from burns - write Stalag Luft 1.

He writes that he has recently been reading books on farming and country life and is considering what job he would like to do after the war. He hopes they may be lucky and get to live in the countryside.

He writes that he is fit and the weather has been very good. He is thankful that the worst of the winter weather is behind them.

He writes that he is keeping fit but that food is now short, but hopes to make up for that when he gets home.

The message is from German radio stating that that Bob is a prisoner of war and she can write to him at Stalag Luft 1 and asks that she give his regards to their parents.

A postcard written from prisoner of war camp from Jim to his Aunt. It is signed Sedric.

A postcard to Mrs Pridmore from Pilot Officer Graham Wilson, a prisoner of war. He talks of the weather and missing being in England.

He says there is much time to reflect while in prisoner of war camp. He writes of his life prior to becoming a prisoner. his wife, her qualities, what attracted her to him and her activities. He continues with comment on the support of friends. He…

Photo 1, 3 and 5 are a rugby match in progress. Huts and the wire are in the background.
Photo 2 is two men in the compound.
Photo 4 is the barb wire between the double fence.

Top left - a guard tower taken through barbed wire. Captioned 'F36 Dulag Luft'.
Top middle - a wooden guard tower with telegraph wires and fence to the right and church in the background on the left. Captioned 'F29 Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right - a…

Top - a panoramic view using three photographs of huts in POW camp captioned 'F32 Stalag Luft 1'.
Bottom left - view of single storey hut with icicles in foreground top. Captioned 'F34 Dulag Luft.
Bottom middle - a manned guard post behind barbed…

Seven men wearing variety of uniform, four with brevet. Three sitting in front, four standing behind. Donald Baker is back left. Captioned 'Barth, Self, Roxy, Bill [...], George Harvey, Steve, Les Bull, Piotr [...]'.

Left side. Top - titled 'South Africans at Barth, Stalag Luft 1'. Eight men standing in line in snow. Fence in the background. Captioned '[....], 41/42, McGarr (killed),Charlie Black, Eric Clyde Harley, John Stevens, Roxburgh, George Framley, Roy…

Photo 1 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 2 is one man standing in the snow, captioned 'McGarr '41'
Photo 3 is two men standing in the snow.
Photo 4 is eight men standing in the snow.
Photo 5 is four men around a table, playing backgammon,…

Top left - eleven men standing and kneeling in three rows in front of a hut. Captioned 'B55 NCO's soccer team, Stalag Luft 1. 41'.
Top right - group of men wearing shorts and muddy kit in front of wire fence with huts and spectators behind.…

The photo was taken from inside the main camp. The larger building in the background is the Luftwaffe Feld-Flakartillerie-Schule 11.

Top left: wooden guard tower with wire fence in background. Captioned 'Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right: eight men in RAF uniform sitting round a table with bottles, beer glasses, cutlery and decorations. Captioned 'F35 Christmas 1940, Stalag Luft 1'.…

Blocks of huts and other buildings stand in the camp area. Sections of barbed wire and a guard tower are visible. In the distance, the Barth church tower.

Opens with mention of Bomber Command memorial in Green Park and 55,573 despite killed, moral was high due to belief that winning was vital. Tells story that he was guest at two weddings in 1943 with three other members of Bomber Command and that all…

Account of Jim Copus's last operation to Frankfurt during which his 97 Squadron Lancaster was shot down by a Me 110 night fighter. Includes the task of air gunners, the engagement by the night fighter which disabled all hydraulics including those to…
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