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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Great to receive cable with news of move to Laghouat. Six week since last letter and was feeling anxious. Hopes new camp will be clean and healthy. Some confusion over spelling of new location, awaiting letter to clear this up. Comments on weather.…

Acknowledge receipt of cable. No letters for five weeks. Both well.

Writes while listening to radio on cold day. Wonders if he has radio in camp. It has been a long time since they had a letter and wonders if some have been lost. Sent cable previous day with pre-paid reply. Writes of clothing rationing and shortage…

Writes while listening to radio on cold day. Wonders if he has radio in camp. It has been a long time since they had a letter and wonders if some have been lost. Sent cable previous day with pre-paid reply. Writes of clothing rationing and shortage…

Five weeks since last letter which would have been worrying without cables. Describes autumn weather. Wonders what food he has now that fruit is finished and mentions availability of tomatoes at home. Reminisces over Christmas and catches up with…

Writes of letters received as well as photographs enclosed. mentions going to cinema to see 'Target for tonight'. Comments on autumn weather at home and cooler temperatures for him. Continues with chat and gossip as well as some description of house…

No letter for a month but glad cables had still been exchanged successfully. Also glad that the two photographs had made it through OK. Described recent activities and weather. Describes different bus routes to Burnley. Mentions father filling in…

Writes of cable and letters received. Mentions neighbour giving her money to get him something but cannot make people understand she cannot send him anything. Mentions beautiful countryside and comments on weather. Says gardening was at an end but it…

Acknowledges previous cable. Mentions returning from visit to Manchester on lovely autumn day.

Describes visit to Manchester and catches up with news of friends. Talks of trying to arrange for books to be sent to him without success. Wonders whether it is worth it as would take so long to get there. Only 10 weeks to Christmas, hopes time will…

Describes sowing and getting fire going. Asks about his weather and describes their own. Mentions letter from friend concerned about him. Passes on best wishes from a relative who is planning to send him books. Lists letters received from him.…

Pleased to receive letter and cable. Telegrams are a boon especially as mail is not too regular. Discusses letter from friend. Says recent letter had no stamps and describes markings. Comments on the weather and and on news of restrictions to his…

Describes their current activities and still waiting for return cable. Mentions father on fire watch duty and writes about his business. Now have lived quiet existence in new home for four months. Describes garden and neighbourhood. Talks about lack…

The author was shot down over Linz, Austria whilst bombing a Panzer works. The other six in his crew perished. He was taken to Dulag Luft at Frankfurt then Stalag Luft VII. In January his camp was evacuated and he joined the Long March to the west,…

Thrilled two photos, both well.

Thrilled that letter arrived with two photographs of him. Says good he is alive and well but that he had put on weight. Just a year since they received telegram telling them he was safe in Tunisia. Mentions letters and cables sent/received. Catches…

Writes about grandfather's visit and their activities. Delighted to receive latest cable from him which arrived very quickly. Discusses other communications. Recounts letter from his padre. Says she is keeping stamps from his letters. Continues with…

Mentions fathers letter sent previous day and that 6 letters from him had arrived. Good that they receive his letters safely if sometimes out of sequence. Mentions his comments on his weather and says that winter is now approaching with blackout…

Delighted that 6 letters from July had arrived. Holiday weekend over and both well.

Written by his father saying that mother is better letter writer and he leaves it mostly to her. Mentions sending him a cable on previous day. Writes about his activities including fire watch duties. Talk about his business and that the letter is…

Writes of their activities involving a real wartime journey. Catches up with family news. Talks about working in garden. Mentions thank you from Red Cross for donation and glad he received their parcel safely. Catches up with news of friends. Asks…

Writes of high temperatures and going to hairdresser as well as different ways to walk into town. Mentions gaps in arrival of mail and then all come at once. Asks after baby jackal and whether he will resume boxing. Says she sent a donation to Red…

Reports arrival of five of his letters that week and mentions stamps and postmarks. Mentions that radio announcement that different regulations are now in force regarding letters to prisoners of war in neutral countries. Glad that he takes part in…

Acknowledge receipt of cable. Remembering Friday anniversary, love Hudson

Reminisces and writes that she is thinking of him and has re-read all his letters since his last leave in England. Tells him about decorators arriving and work they are doing. Mentions father getting £4 as his share of sale of some gold coins.…
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