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  • Tags: aircrew

12 airmen arranged in two rows at the port side of the front of Lancaster 'A'. The nose has a painted lady in a long skirt and a bikini top. Annotated on the image is 'For Sqd/Leader Gilbert DFC. These old lags that did so much towards winning the…

The 13 men are seated around a table and are in discussion. Richard is second from right.

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Four photographs from an album. All four images show tents being taken down or erected and various items being moved around.

A group of trainee airmen arranged in three rows. Information supplied with the collection dates it as January 1939.

A list of the course at 13 air gunner school.

A group of 12 airmen arranged in and around the starboard waist gun position of a B-17.

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13 Airmen with their new brevets.

13 airmen in front of a wooden hut. Jack is top row, extreme right. On the reverse is 'Moncton Haphazard Snaps'.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

13 airmen in two rows, front row of seven sitting and rear row of six standing. All are wearing greatcoats and side caps. In the background a wooden hut with windows. A board at the front reads 'No 126 Course Air Gunners Squad B, 13-12-43 [....]'.…

A group of 12 airmen arranged in two rows. Jim Tyrie is in the centre of the front row,

13 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Tomtit biplane.

A group of air and ground crew positioned in front of their aircraft.

13 airmen, mainly seated in the sun outside a brick building. Three are wearing dark glasses and one is smoking a pipe.


13 men arranged in two rows in front of a Battle aircraft.

Three identical photos of 14 airmen arranged in two rows. One is eating a banana, several are drinking tea and others are holding bananas and oranges.
Jack Jones is front row, third from right.

#1 On the reverse -
'Would you like an orange mum…

The 14 men are arranged in two rows in front of an open hangar. Inside the hangar is a Lancaster.

A group of 14 at the rear door of a C-47. Ten are wearing parachutes. The reverse is blank. A post-it states that Jozef is back right.

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14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose of the Halifax is a cartoon with the name 'X Terminator'. 49 operations are marked.

14 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Halifax. On the nose is a X Terminator cartoon and crosses for 49 operations.

A group of 14 airmen at the nose of a Halifax. One airman, in a leather jacket, is holding a bottle up to the aircraft. Nose art has 45 operation 'bombs' and a crest with 'Ville de Quebec'.

On the left eight ground crew sitting and standing wearing belted leather jerkins. One man has a bandage on his head. On the right, six members of aircrew. They are standing underneath an aircraft.
1944-45. Far right: W G Didcote; standing, fourth…

A formal group of 14 trainee airmen in khaki with a trainee flash in their sidecaps.

14 trainees, including Jack, arranged in three rows. On the reverse 'Could only get one of these - show it to the folks. Thanks darling. Serious mood - eh!'

Group portrait of 47 officers and airmen of 141 Squadron sitting front row and standing in three further rows. All are dressed in tunics with peaked caps or side caps. One person, eighth from left in third row up is in United States Army Air Force…
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