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  • Tags: military service conditions

Explains why he had not written and complains about his current location and course. Expects to be there for another 10 weeks before being sent to a station to act as a wireless operator. Mentions many people on aircrew courses and adds a little…

Writes that he arrived at an awful place after long journey of 14 hours. Mentions making enquiries about a transfer but not holding out much hope. States that he is instructing on wireless and describes activities and thinks he might be able to do…

Writes that it would probably better for him to stay where he was which he was now enjoying. He says was likely to remain there for the duration and the situation was generally good with plenty of leave and good trains. Catches up with news of…

Asks after Lewis's Christmas and writes about his own activities over the holiday. Continues with banter and gossip.

Asks how his course was going and writes that he though Lewis was a dammed fool for sticking his neck out and that he was happy in his comfortable job. Mentions the station might close down and speculates on the future and hope for posting to…

Writes about his new station, the local area and places to go. Writes that they had not done much yet due to weather but he had gone solo. Writes a little about his flying, ground school and staff. Continues with description of sports and athletics.…

Writes from RAF Stoney Cross. Starts with banter over letters and states that he suspects he was experiencing all the joys of being on an operational squadron. Catches up with news of colleagues and writes of his own activities. Suggests they might…

Speculates on Rosser's current (civil/military) status and therefore addresses him as 'Mr'. Writes that he arrived in India some months ago but after the Japanese surrender and that he was flying transport on Dakotas from Rangoon. Comments on…

Covers spirit of the service, discipline (self and collective).

Covers general responsibilities, name rank and number, behaviour under interrogation, what the enemy will try to find out, how information is obtained by enemy (sources and methods), do's and don'ts, and rights of a prisoner.

Includes notes on the air force act, Kings regulations and air council instructions, the official secrets act, disclosure of information, communications to the press, complaints and grievances, testimonials, communication with officials, officers…

An individual demonstrating how to bale out of a Rose turret by leaning headfirst through the opening in the perspex.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'S Rose Lancaster turret 344'.

Two figures wearing oxygen masks look out through the opening of a rear gun turret. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Rose turret 343'. Same photograph but image has been reversed recorded as turret 46.

An airman in a rear turret of an aircraft fuselage supported on blocks of wood. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Johnny Johnson in Lanc at Roses'. Photograph is captioned 'Johnny Johnson DFC Ex/Flt 617 Squadron RAF.

Letter mounted on four pages of album. Writes of her activities at RAF Leeming and catches up with family news. Gives reasons for not coming home on leave for Christmas. Describes shirt and pillow cases she had just bought. Writes about several…

Letter mounted over seven album pages with envelope with last page of letter on seventh album page. Next page has four b/w photographs. Letter gives excuses for not having written. Catches up with family news. Explains they could not get off camp…

Four photographs from an album. All four images show tents being taken down or erected and various items being moved around.

Written from RAF North Coates. Describes camp location and aerodrome. Points out that location is closest in country to Germany. Describes air raid shelter and accommodation. Mentions E.N.S.A. concert.

Describes a little of his daily activities including a display of 15 types of aircraft they might see in the local area. Describes some of his guard duties. Writes that he has been posted with all wireless operators to Yatesbury. Describes expected…

Written from RAF Yatesbury. Describes getting flu and his journey from North Coates to Yatesbury. Describes camp and facilities. Mentions that he has 6 days Christmas leave.

Writes of meeting fellow student who also lived in Cookham (where grandmother lives). Mentions upcoming six words a minute test and consequences of failure. Writes of plans to visit Bath and a little about his training.

Describes going to Bath to see friends and catches up with their news. Goes on to describe meeting an old schoolfriend. Mentions plan to visit Swindon and that he had caught a cold.

Writes about a mix up in his travel arrangement and his subsequent journey. Mentions other cycling expeditions in Wiltshire and including a visit to friend in Bath. Comments on weather and that he might get leave at Easter.

Writes of leaving parcel at railway station and subsequent recovery. Mentions uncertainty over weekend off. Comments on guard duty previous Sunday and funeral on previous day. Mentions that training was more interesting and he had passed Morse exam.

Thanks her for cakes and asks her to send him his encyclopaedia of wireless. Comments on good weather and being confined to camp over not handing in pass. Catches up with news and mentions a pilot who had been killed.
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