Browse Items (173 total)

  • Tags: dispersal

A photograph of the seven crew lined up in front of their Lancaster. Each individual is named.
A second copy is also included with a slightly different text format.

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Our kite Beany Baker'. On the reverse of 5 '440'.
Photo 2 is of a shirtless airman sitting in the cockpit viewed from the ground. The nose art is of a Bear annotated 'Bring 'em back alive'. The…

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal. Crew are gathered outside rear fuselage door. There is a staging under the port outer wing. In the background another Lancaster.

A port side view of Halifax 'KW-S'. Trolley accumulators in the foreground and a fuel bowser in the background.
On the reverse 'MZ454 KW-S of 425 Sqn Tholthorpe Taken Nov 44.
This aircraft crashed after take off on ops 5/3/44 [sic incorrect date,…

Three Halifaxes at Tholthorpe. The front two have their engines running. A bicycle is in the foreground.
On the reverse 'Dispersal at Tholthorpe 1944'. and 'Photo Reg [indecipherable]'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Dishforth. Hangars and dispersals can be clearly seen. The central grass area has been camouflaged but the grass runways can be identified. Several aircraft are visible.
It is captioned '11 TPC 28.5.43 //F5" 6"=1 mile…

The front two Halifaxes have their engines running. The most distant one is static.
In front are two bicycles and some equipment.
Additional information supplied with the collection identifies the location as RAF Tholthorpe.

Three aerial photographs of Tholthorpe. Dates were supplied with the collection.

Photo 1 is an oblique taken in the 1970s. Information supplied with the collection states 'The disused Tholthorpe airfield in the 1970s looking towards the west. The…

Halifax, LK640, 'SE-Q' undergoing maintenance by two ground crew. On the nose is a cartoon woman named 'Queenie' Each crewman has his name painted on at their respective stations. Three bombs are painted on.
Information supplied with the collection…

A vertical aerial photograph of Leeming. Camouflage markings can be seen on the airfield.

A vertical aerial photograph of Leeming showing the extension to two runways to the south and south east. Halifaxes can be seen on dispersals.
It is annotated '8 TPC 28.5.43// F5" 6" = 1 mile Leeming'.

A copy of a vertical aerial photograph of Leeming with an annotation 'Dispersal for "A-Able" -429'.

An oblique aerial photograph of RAF Tholthorpe (disused) taken in the 1970s.

Nine airmen with their backs to the camera, walking to a Halifax. They are kitted up for flying with parachute harnesses and parachutes. On the cockpit is a member of the ground crew.

Three vertical aerial photographs of the airfield at Tholthorpe. The first is annotated 'Photo taken 28/5/43 before the photo on the wall in the Pub'. It is also captioned '14 TPC 28.5.43 //F 5" 6"- 1 mile Tholthorpe'.

Front quarter view of a Halifax with engines running. A man is pulling away the chock from the starboard main undercarriage. On the reverse 'Pocklington 1943. DY-E, Stan Jeffrey removing chocks pre take-off'

A port/front side view of a Halifax at RAF East Moor.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Photo 1 is a port side view of a Lancaster with engines running on the ground. Other aircraft are visible in the background.
Photo 2 is a group of 17 flight engineers arranged in three rows. Each individual is identified in the caption.

A port side view of a Stirling 'OJ-K' on the ground.

The two images are the same except photo 1 is in b/w and photo 2 is colourised. The view is of starboard side and from the rear. The closest aircraft is WP-V. The colourised image is captioned '90 Sqdn Stirlings Tuddenham 1944'. Note the page caption…

Photo 1 is an air-to-air view of two Stirlings flying in formation.
Photo 2 is a Stirling on the ground with two aircraft flying overhead.

Port side view of a Lancaster 'AR-A' on dispersal. The shadow of the photographer is visable.

Port side view of a Lancaster on dispersal with its engines running.

Port side view of a Lancaster on dispersal. A tractor is also visible, as is some nose art on the aircraft..

Side view of three Lancasters. In the background are three hangars.
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