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  • Tags: childhood in wartime

Write that he thinks she did not receive the last letter he sent a year ago. Repeats what he wrote in that letter about his activities in the middle east and India at the Indian Military Academy. Says he now has some pictures of her and tells her…

Writes to two year old daughter how sad he is to have been away from her. mentions his time in the middle east and then describes his training role in India. Concludes he is sorry he cannot send her any presents. Includes birthday greetings card.

Writes to her from India on second Christmas away saying he is well looked after but would prefer to be with her at home with all the family. Ask her to pray that he will be home next Christmas. Writes of his activities and adds poetic vision of war…

Roy on VE day, wearing his boy scout uniform.

A half length portrait of Roy Saunders, aged eight.

A document written as a Summer Project whilst Aidan was at school. She discusses their early years after her grandparents got married in London. During the war the family moved to Wales for safety.
After the war John, possibly her brother, became a…

Roy was evacuated four times.
The first to Isleham and he was accompanied by his maternal grandparents and Alan from next door. There was no electricity, water or sewerage in the farmhouse. Gas was installed but never used. Lighting was by paraffin…

Roy in scout uniform, September 1942.

A full length studio portrait of Jill. Information supplied with the collection sates the photograph was taken on March 1941 when Jill was 4 years and 5 months old.

Two photographs of Jill Carter.
Photo 1 is a young girl standing in a garden. Additional information supplied with the collection states 'aged 1 year 9 months, taken 2-8-38'.
Photo 2 is a young girl in a photographer's studio 'aged 3 years 5…

Frederick was born near Lincoln and grew up about two miles from RAF Scampton. He was five years old at the beginning of the Second World War. He recalls waving to crew as they left. He also recalls going with soldiers from the Lincolnshire regiment…

Small child in a pram, on reverse, '8/8/30 4 P.C.S.'

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the Editors comments, POWs released by the Russians, ex-Internees welcomed home, entertainment at the Camps, Escaped Prisoners…

Main article - states all men it is possible to use in defence of Britain will be called up and trained immediately with or without uniforms or equipment. Other headlines: obey these orders in invasion, give |L.D.V more weapons. Children for Canada…

Front page - contains Churchill battle of Britain quote.Subsidiary headlines: dictators talk four hours; French general's appeal from London, let all children go to safety. Photograph of evacuated children sitting in row with crowd behind them.

Main article concerning differences in sea bathing for evacuated children on east or west coasts. Offers advice to parents. Includes Pop cartoon at top right.

Written by one of Philip Floyd's (pilot of John Valentine's aircraft) brother Michael's children based on conversations with parents. Recounts a letter to a German newspaper from a Werner Gerlach who as a young 15 year old boy witnessed the shooting…

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A boy in summer clothing is about to touch an unexploded bomb partially embedded in the ground. Behind him, a young woman in anguish with outstretched arm and open palm. Below, line drawings of fuses, bombs and other explosive devices. The text urges…

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A boy in tears with amputated hands is holding a green toy truck. His stumps are bandaged. Behind him, an explosion is throwing in the air four maimed children. On the reverse, different kinds of explosive devices are shown. The text urges not to…

Writes of visits to cinema and of domestic activities. Continues with story of her sister's photographic efforts. Mentions letters she has dispatched with photographs. Writes of spending session in air raid shelter which daughter Frances took in good…

Writes of rain, gardening and finances. Concludes with family chat and fact that daughter Frances is not taking to new gas mask.

Four children sitting round a table. A girl on the right is in a high chair and a boy in centre is back to the camera. There are Christmas crackers on the table. In the background windows. On the reverse 'No 46, Sergeant J R M Valentine, British…

Pat Harrison was born in Lincoln and was the only girl of four children. Her father joined the Royal Air Force after serving as an air raid warden. Pat remembers the arrival of evacuees in Lincoln and also recalls occasions when bombing resulted in…

A calendar for a child. A child is in a model aeroplane with a dog. There is also an enamel metal RAF badge. On the reverse 'All the best to you David, & boys of the Crew, Betty'. The front is signed by David's crew and has bombs indicating…

Pat Rumfitt was born in 1927 and experienced a privileged upbringing living in Kent as an only child before the war. She describes the resilient attitude to bombing in Bromley, walking to their flooded Anderson Shelter in her dressing gown and…
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