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  • Tags: pilot

Four airmen, one officer on the left and three Polish pilots on the right, all wearing tunics and side or peaked caps standing on hardstanding with hangar in the background.

Two airmen wearing tunics with Polish pilot's brevet sitting on a soda and a female in uniform tunic sitting on the knee of airman on the left. Both airman are holding a pint beer glasses.

Three airmen standing in line. The two left and right hold parachute packs and the man in the centre wears a parachute harness. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Grandad (left) with wireless operator (centre) and co-pilot (right) in…

View looking up at an airman wearing flying helmet on the right side of Wellington cockpit. The arm of the pilot in left hand seat is visible on the right of the image. On the reverse 'Grandads co-pilot (Pilot Officer Sznidel) and grandads arm with…

A senior officer in centre pinning decoration on a Polish sergeant pilot who is standing in line with several other airmen. In the background a hangar. On the reverse 'Brorzek Lindholme, decorated May 1942'. Two versions of the same image, the second…

Half length image of two airmen both wearing greatcoats and side caps. The man on the left has pilot officer rank, the man on the right sergeants rank and a medal on his coat. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Granddad (right) with…

Full length image of an airman wearing great coat with pilot officer rank and side cap standing on grass with a Wellington in the background. On the reverse 'Co-pilot (Pilot Officer Sznidel)'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with…

Head and shoulders portrait of a Polish airman wearing tunic with Polish pilot's brevet and medal ribbons. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img161'. and the third with no further information.

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26 airmen arranged in three rows. They are all dressed in shorts and khaki. Behind are palm trees. On the reverse several of the men have signed their names plus 'No 9 Admin Course March 1946 RAF Kandy Ceylon'.
There is a second identical copy.

A newspaper cutting with cartoons of Captain Swales, German fighters, Lancasters under attack and airmen baling out. It is annotated 7hs 40 Trip No 33.

A report by Bill's son about the accident when his father died. He describes the details and the airmen involved.

18 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Hawker Hart. Information supplied with the collection states '1932 No 33 Squadron (Bill is back row 5th from right)'. At the front is a cup. Four of the officers have walking sticks.

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Flying log book for William Edwards, pilot. Covering the period 25 June 1942 to 31 January 1952. Details his training, operations and post-war civilian flying with Qantas. He was based at RAF Calveley, RAF Windrush, RAF Docking, RAF Church Broughton,…

Cloth pilots brevet with RAAF.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Gives total flying while on 38 Squadron RAAF on C-47 and assessment of ability.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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Logs civilian flights for Trans Australia Airways from September 1950 to June 1961. Aircraft flown were DC-3 (C-47), Loadstar, Viscount and F-27.This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

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Four airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing in the doorway. On the reverse 'Top left to right, Bill and Alex one of Dick's crew. Bottom left to right, Dick my cobber, Len my wireless operator'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Full length image of a pilot wearing side cap as well as tunic with pilot's brevet and sergeants rank standing in open ground. To the left a tree trunk. On the reverse 'Ronnie boy'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital…

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Three-quarter length image of an airman wearing khaki uniform with shorts and side cap. Shirts has pilot's brevet and sergeant rank. Behind him a metal railing and part of a building. In the distance city buildings. On the reverse 'Dick'.


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A large group of airmen most with visible brevet sitting and standing in four rows. In the background three arches in brick building with door in centre and windows either side.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital…

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Describes heroic action of a Halifax flight engineer, bomb aimer and wireless operator during operation dealing with fire and wounded crew.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

A record of EW Cropper's first flights on Tiger Moths.

Four photographs from an album.
#1 is two WAAFs and three men sitting in the sun. It is captioned 'Joan, Roy, Bill [indecipherable] Control Officer. Behind is a Crossley 4 x 4 Fire Tender.
#2 is a pilot standing in a snowy landscape. It is…
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