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Target photograph of an operation to Neuss. Only a large area of glare, roughly in the middle, is visible. It is annotated '5B' and captioned:
'1787 MEP 23/24.9.44//NT 8" 19,000 ← 055 º 2127
NEUSS. H1. 11 x 1000. 4 x 500. 31 SECS. F/S…

Target photograph taken on an operation to Duisberg. Left hand side is obscured by smoke or cloud and several bomb explosions can be seen. The Rhine river runs across the image, just below half height and there is built up area towards top of…

Target photograph. Fields and several minor roads visible. Much of the image is dotted with smoke from bomb bursts or Anti-aircraft fire and glare obscures right hand side. A Lancaster can be seen flying below. Annotated '3B' and captioned '1750 MEP…

Target photograph taken during an operation to Flushing, Netherlands. Several bomb splashes in the water and smoke from explosions on the ground. Water is flowing through the sea wall at one point. The photograph is captioned:
2007 MEP 21.10.44 //…

Left - Alderman P E Jones at St Thomas's Amshouses, Gravesend. He looks up at a wall plaque dedicating rooms in memory of Squadron Leader Robert Palmer VC, DFC and Bar, killed in action over Cologne, 23rd December 1944. Captioned 'Alderman P E Jones…

Right - a man wearing brown overcoat standing on rod by the side of a river with city on far side. Right - view across river of distant Cologne cathedral. Captioned 'Daddy's visit to Cologne in December 1994. View across the Rhine to Gremburg (the…

Prepared prior to Frank's commissioning, gives summary of his operations and behaviour.

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for E D Keen, flight engineer, covering the period from 30 July 1943 to 18 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF…

A list of 12 operations undertaken by F Williamson. It is handwritten on a newspaper dated October 24 1943.


A newspaper article about an attack on Munich. It is annotated 'No 14 2/10/43'.

A newspaper article about attacks on Hanover and Emden. It is annotated 'No 12 27-9-43'.

A newspaper article about attacks on Mannheim-Ludwigshaven. It is annotated 'No 11 23/4/9/43'.

A newspaper article describing an attack on Hanover. It is annotated 'No 10 22/3 9/43'.

A newspaper article describing an attack on Nuremberg. It is annotated 'No 9 27/8 1943'.

A newspaper article discussing new precision bombing. It is annotated 'No 8 23/8/43'.

A newspaper article about bombing several aircraft factories. It is annotated 'No 7 17/18 Aug 1943'.

A newspaper article about another attack on Hamburg. It is annotated 'No 6 2/3 8/43'.

An article about another attack on Hamburg. It is annotated 'No 6 2/3 8/43

A newspaper cutting on another attack on Hamburg. It is annotated 'No 4 29-7-43'.

A cutting referring to an attack on Cologne. It is annotated 'No 2 16-6-43'.
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