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  • Tags: Halifax

Seven airmen in flying kit standing in front of their Halifax.
On the reverse 'Halifax Mk V Poss SE-W LL258'
'Left to right as viewed
"Jock" Heron M/O
"Ned" Sparkes F/Eng
"Badge"Badgery (RAAF) Pilot
"Archie" Pitt Nav
"Jack" Page…

Seven airmen in a line in front of their Halifax. On the reverse -
' A "Hally" 5 at Dishforth (?)
Left to Right
Bernatchez (B)
Brassard (P)
Alarie Tieven [crossed out] (R.G.)
Bourke (N)
Lalond (MU. G)
Self (E)
Tieven (Wop)'
' "C" of…

The nose of a Halifax with the pilot leaning out of the cockpit. On the reverse '[indecipherable FD-O Prior to our last H.C.U. flight 23rd May 1945.'
and '1695 HCU Dishforth Halifax MkIII'.

Large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in three rows at the front of a Halifax. Information supplied with the collection identifies the group as 35 Squadron, March 1942. Taken at the time of handover from Wing Commander Whitworth to Wing…

A Halifax in flight taken from the port/rear. It has code 'TL-P'. On the rear are signatures of 'GJ Philipps, R. Lane F/Lt, G. Williams, A. Hailey [indecipherable]'.
Also a copyright stamp for 'Aeroplane' magazine.
Information supplied with the…

Reg Lane and his crew standing at the front of a Halifax.

A Halifax on the ground with its bomb doors open. An oil bowser in the background.


Two of Robert Mitchell's crew sitting on top of their Halifax.

Two ground crew, their tanker and a refuelling a Halifax.
A second image shows the top half of a Halifax.

Two airmen sitting on the port outer engine of a Halifax during refuelling operations.

A half-length portrait of Robert Mitchell in front of a Halifax.

Rober Mitchell standing under the wing of Halifax 'W' with his right foot on a chock.

A tree-quarter length portrait of Robert standing in front of his Halifax.

Robert is seated on a BSA motorcycle APV643 in front of a Halifax.

One airman sitting on the chock and three airmen standing round him. Behind is Halifax 'W'.

Eight airmen including Robert, dressed in flying kit, in front of their Halifax.

Robert Mitchell, crew and ground crew arranged in two rows in front of Halifax 'AL-X'

A port side sketch of a Halifax 'I'.

A bomb bay loaded with bombs and incendiaries.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. A Halifax is directly underneath heading towards a town. To the left of the town are numerous bomb explosions. Bomb craters can be see in the fields, some in lines and others in…

Two images of a Halifax model. It is mounted on a small stone.

Some details about operations carried out by Sam after he transferred to 40 squadron.
Photo 1 is a vertical aerial photograph partly obscured by tracer fire.
Photo 2 is the 40 squadron crest.
Photo 3 is Sam in shorts and tee shirt in front of a…

These pages are mostly biography of Sam's time in Egypt and his time with transport aircraft in the Mediterranean region.
Photos 1, 2 and 3 are scenes from Cairo.
Photo 4 is a side head and shoulders profile of Sam.
Photo 5 is a Battle aircraft in…

Top left - riddled plane won dual. Story of recovery of damaged bomber pilot Flt Sgt F E Mathers RAF awarded Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Wireless operator and rear gunner (Sgt G E French) awarded Distinguished Flying Medal.
Middle left - Regiment…
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