Browse Items (166 total)

  • Tags: reconnaissance photograph

A magazine of aerial photography covering anti-invasion preparations at the Hague, anti-tank obstacles at Scheveningen, flooding from the Mohne Dam, U-boat bases and port damage, factories, railway stations, camouflaged storage tanks, marshalling…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering bombing of Kiel shipyards, the Potez aircraft factory, flooding after the Moehne dam was breached, repairs to the Sorpe dam, bombing of Heligoland and Dune, the port of La Pallice, the port of Naples, damage…

Aerial photography covering images of Liberators and B-17s in formation, factories, St Malo port, a seaplane base to the east of Amsterdam, a steel works, the devastated city of Hamburg, rail workshops at Cologne, a new mine clearance ship under…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering aerial views of tanks, the Eder dam after the attack by 617 squadron, Kiel, Trondheim and Heroya harbours under attack, industrial areas in Hanover, railway centres, Italian airfields and aircraft, a dummy…

A magazine of aerial photographs of incindiary bombs dropping, a formation of Fw 190s, the bombing of Aachen, Turin, operations over Sicily, the port of Taranto, a gas factory and colliery, a railway junction, a coastal battery, combat film of the…

A magazine of aerial photographs covering the bombing of Cologne, railway yards, factories, gun battery, Copenhagen, two prominent island landmarks, an attack on a U-boat, storage depot, the Schneider works at Le Creusot, Do 217 s at Munich and Dijon…

A collection of aerial photographs of B-17s and B-24s on operations, shipyards, factories, scuttled French fleet, an attack on a convoy, Antwerp forts, airfields, Leghorn port, the camouflaged airfields at Aalborg and Kerlin Bastard and two images to…

A magazine with a collection of aerial photographs showing bombing damage in Germany, Industrial areas, railway stations, a port, a night fighter airfield, a factory, coastal defences at Cherbourg, catapult ships, Fiat G12 aircraft and a mystery…

A vertical aerial photograph of a severely damaged oil plant at Bohlen. On the reverse 'Synthetic oil plant at Bohlen taken by recce aircraft 20/2/1945'.

A newspaper cutting describing a night operation by Mosquitoes on the Ruhr followed by USAAF day bombing. Attacks were also made on Berlin and the Gestapo building in Copenhagen.
On the reverse are adverts.

Four photographs of St. Leau d'Esserent.
Photo 1 is a target aerial photograph with areas to be bombed. Tunnel entrances, constructions, excavations, railway and a landing quay are marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the…

A vertical aerial photograph identifying two Noball targets at Bois de Cassan and Foret de l'Isle Adam,

Six aerial photographs of St Leu d'Esseent.
Photo 1 is a vertical target photograph with tunnels, railway and landing quay marked.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph taken during the operation. It is captioned '1962 TLP 5-8-44//8" 15000…

A vertical aerial photograph of Noisy-le-Sec, Paris. Five targets are marked.

Three images of St Leu d'Esserent taken after the attack.
Photo 1 is a vertical image showing bomb craters. It is annotated with 'C' and 'D's.
Photo 2 shows an entrance to an underground store.
Photo 3 show an entrance to an underground store. It…

A vertical aerial photograph showing the airfield, south-west of Deelen, Arnhem. Three runways in the “A” configuration are seen, with the two main runways forming the top of the “A” at lower right. Hangars and other airfield buildings are to…

A vertical aerial photograph of Frankfurt showing extensive damage. Frankfurt Haupt-Bahnhof is shown lower right, with the main lines running across to lower left corner. In the centre of the photograph is a large industrial plant with extensive…

A vertical aerial photograph of Berlin showing heavy bomb damage. The body of water is the Rummelsburger See, with the railway station of Ostkreuz to the left of it at the confluence of railway tracks running from lower left to top right and from…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mannheim. The left of the image is shrouded by clouds. The main river running left to right is the Neckar. The spur below it being the Bonadieshafen and the one above it the Verbindungskanal. The road bridge crossing…

A vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz in early 1945 showing widespread damage to buildings with large areas completely destroyed. Bomb craters can be seen in several places. A railway marshalling yard is to centre left and the railway lines then…

A vertical aerial photograph of the synthetic oil plant at Lutzkendorf, near Leipzig. The Geiseltalsee is the body of water at the top of the image. A railway line with sidings runs through the image from left to right. Possibly more sidings to top…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz Hoesch Benzin Synthetic Oil Plant, and Westfalenhutte steelworks located north-east of Dortmund city. The image shows cloud, craters, and extensive bomb damage amongst the predominately factory and other…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz. The
top right of the image shows the Rhine. The
bridge is Theodor-Heuss Brucke. The large
L shaped building to its left is Kurfurstliches
Schloss with various large government
buildings below it. The wide…

Photograph one is an oblique aerial photograph of Hamm, showing extensive damage and bomb craters throughout.
Photograph two is a vertical aerial photograph of Brest naval base and ports, with numbered annotation.

An annotated vertical aerial photograph of naval facilities at Heligoland. U boat pens and a burnt out oil storage facility are marked.
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