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Target photograph of Villeneuve. Red dot right of centre. Centre mainly obscured by smoke and dust, area that is visible is urban, roads and structures visible. Captioned '8°F', '8B', '1297 Skell.14/15.7.44//NT.8" 6000' [arrow] 355° 0138 VILLENEUVE…

Target photograph of Braunschweig. No detail visible,some smoke or dust and light streaks. Captioned' 5', '16 SKELL. 14/15.1.44//NT 5" 21,000 [arrow] 145° 1924 BRUNSWICK. X. 1X4000+15X4+8X30. 31SECS. P.O.ORAM. X.50'. On the reverse '[underlined] P/O…

Target photograph of Lanveoc Poulmic. Port area with quays a breakwater and industrial structures clearly visible. Captioned '7B', '739 SKELL.8/9.5.44.//NT 8" 7500' [arrow] 280° 0001 LANVEOC POULMIC RD.E.1X4000.16X500.17secs.S/L CHADWICK E.50'. On…

Target photograph of Beauvoir. Rural area smoke and dust top right, roads and many craters clearly visible. Captioned '3F', 5B', 1162 SKELL.29.6.44.//.8" 16000' [arrow] 102° 1348. BEAUVOIR RD.Q.11X1000.4X500.C.32secs.F/SGT CURPHEY.G.50'. On the…

Target photograph of Mailly-le-Camp. Rural area, centre obscured by smoke, dust and light streaks, field patterns and roads visible. Captioned '7B', '691 SKELL.3/4.5.44//NT.8" 8000' [arrow] 165° 0010 MAILLEY le…

Target photograph of Bergueneuse. Rural area, central strip obscured by smoke and dust. Road running top to bottom on right, structures visible on both sides. Some craters in open country. Captioned '5°F', '5B', '2484 SKELL.31.8.44.// 8" 12000'…

Target photograph of Villeneuve. Urban area, no detail but larger roads and structures are visible. Some light streaks. Captioned '5°F', '7B', '1292 SKELL.14/15.7.44//NT(C)8" 7000' [arrow] 355° 0145 VILLENEUVE RD.U.1X1000.16X500.21secs.F/O DAVIS…

Target photograph of Münster. Totally obscured by smoke and dust. Captioned '5°F', '7B', '2979 SKELL.23/24.9.44.//NT(C)8" 14500 [arrow] 2153 MUNSTER RD.F.14X1000.26secs.F/O NISBET.F.50'. 'On the reverse 'F/O NISBET 23/24.9.44 DORTMUND-EMS.'.

Target photograph of Berlin. Half photograph is obscured by a bright light, nothing visible in other half. Captioned '5B', '67 SKELL.30/31.1.44.//NT. 5" 20,500 [arrow] 155° 2019 BERLIN. 1X4000 12X4 6X30 31SECS. F/O LITHERLAND. F.50'. [reverse not…

Vertical aerial target photograph of Politz oil refinery. It is annotated '3966.CON.13/14-1-45//NT.7" 18500 070 22:09 Politz H. 14CP3 29 secs F/O Inniss H 83'

The first part is targeted at the German population and argues, with illustrations, for passive and active resistance against the regime. It uses the image of Germany’s many broken bridges to argue that the only bridge open to the German people is…

An incomplete copy of Pilot Officer A Baker’s (1080466 Royal Air Force) Wireless Operator’s flying log book 8 December 1942 to April 1944. He served at RAF Dunholme Lodge, Aircraft flown were Lancaster and Oxford. He carried out a total of 30…

Hard book cover annotated 'Secret' with label '44 Squadron Briefing Reports'.

Signal to all 5 Group Stations instructing bomb aimers to that the 32 point distributor setting is to be 0.25 seconds until further notice.

Briefing sheet for 1-1-44 indicates 12 by 1000 MC 1/2 hour or 1 hour delay with preselection settings, false height settings, Window, timings, bombing height. On the reverse handwritten notes on target marking and code words.

Table with weights for bombs, fuel and all up weight.Includes bomb load types for all aircraft. Sheet is laid on top of crew operation order.

Gives bomb load and bomb stations including preselection settings, false height settings, delays and other operation information including wave times, routes, bombing methods. On the reverse target marking information including 'Newhaven marking' .…

Target photograph of Beauvois. No detail visible. Captioned '3°F', '4B', '1179 SKELL.29.6.44.//.8" 15000' [arrow] 111° 1346 BEAUVOIR RD.N.11X10-00.4X500.C32secs.S/L STUBBS.O.50'. 'On the reverse ' [underlined] 29.6.44 S/L STUBBS…

Target photograph of Kiel. Obscured by smoke and dust, some bomb explosions visible. Captioned '3°F', '6B', '1447 SKELL.23/24.7.44//NT.8" 18750 [arrow] 100° 0128 KIEL RD.N.11X1000.4X500.30secs.S/L STUBBS.O.50'. 'On the reverse '[underlined] S/L…

Target photograph of Rennes. Top right obscured by smoke and light streaks, urban area, street pattern and buildings visible. Captioned '5', '865 SKELL 8/9.6.44 //NT 8" 4000 [arrow] [track and time censored] RENNES RD.B.2X1000.14X500.[exposure…

Target photograph of Berlin. Light streaks and bright spot top left, nothing else visible. Captioned '5B', 69 SKELL 30/31 1 44 //NT 8 23,300 [arrow] 154° 20.21 BERLIN T 1X4000. 12X4. 6X30. 31secs F/LT. RUSKELL J.50'. [reverse not scanned]

Target photograph of Berlin. Two light streaks, nothing else visible. Captioned '5B', '66 SKELL. 30/31.1.44.//NT. 5" 21,000 [arrow] 155° 2019 BERLIN. E. 1X400. 12X4. 6X30. 31secs. F/Lt. SHORTT. E. 50'.

Target photograph of Stuttgart. A number of light streaks, no detail visible. Captioned '8', '112 SKELL 20/21.2.44//NT 5" 22000' [arrow] [track and time censored] STUTTGART. X. 1X4000 12X4 6X30 [exposure censored] REED X 50.' [reverse not scanned]
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