Browse Items (632 total)

  • Tags: home front

A portrait of Gladys in a cardboard mount, annotated 'Me in Land Army 1946'. Aged 19.


Seven women sitting on the ground by a gate. On the reverse 'Jean Raven Betty Render Gladys Monk Dolly Kay Booth Kay Jean Approx 1947 Land Army'.


Eight women arranged in two rows in front of a hay stack. On the reverse 'W.L.A. 1947 2nd (Left) front Gladys Marston (nee Monks)'.


Three women on top of a hay cart playing with the hay. On the reverse '1947 Vera Wilde W.L.A.'


Day by day description of activities for 1940. Mentions sport, air battles and air raids, war news, weather, social life, RAF and navy operations. going to cadets, films seen, Morse and navigation lessons, battle of France, playing football and…

Discusses life on the home front, the bombing of Hull, and her training and service in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force at RAF Driffield.

Advice on what to do if the Germans invade and how to do it. Advice includes: stay put, do not believe or spread rumours, keep watch and report anything suspicious to the police, do not give anything or any information to invading Germans, be ready…

Political news-sheet from the Conservative party covering issues: the national effort a warning to grumblers, information for farmers, parliamentary commentary, local conservative party meetings, life in Germany concentrating on food shortages and…

Maurice's father with a ewe and lamb and a land girl. On the reverse 'Harry teaching land girls Parkfield'.
Parkfield Lodge is at Headstone Lane and the entrance to the lane that ran down to the house is just opposite the Headstone Lane…

Daily diary from 28 December 1944 to December 25 1945. Mentions air raid warnings, daily what food available from central kitchen, holiday days. visit from relations and other daily activities. Also comments on weather, seeing V-1's fly over and…

City fire guard certificate made out for JJ Bartram on 1 December 1943. Letter and enclosed defence medal.

German ration coupons for nutritional agents and cheese.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


A book issued for rationed fuel.


Sidney and Una both experienced the effect of the war in Sheffield as a child. When Dunkirk survivors arrived at the nearby Reception Centre Sidney collected many souvenirs such as cap badges and his aunt also took two soldiers in to her home while…

Laura Hickey was living in Tottenham at the outbreak of war and was evacuated to Suffolk. Her brother, Charles Henry Clarke joined the RAF and was shot down, becoming a prisoner of war and enduring the Long March. She tells of her times as an…

Arthur Hydes grew up in Ingham and his family were closely involved with the life of the RAF camp during the war, watching the airfield being built and operations from there. He talks about the village before, during and after the war, including…

Wanda Szuwalska was born on a farm in Poland and was deported to Russia by train at the start of the Second World War. She talks of the journey to Russia, the time she and her family spent there, then coming to England and becoming a WAAF. Wanda…

Left - two women in civilian dress sitting on a wheeled trailer. Captioned 'Dorothy and Vera, Bank Holiday 1941'.
Centre - an airmen wearing tunic standing next to a woman wearing dress outside a brick built house.
Right - an airman wearing tunic…

A certificate awarded to Roy for achieving a pass in Air Raid Precaution.

Entries detailing daily activity including shift work at AV Roe, friends, entertainment, health, weather and family news. Mentions letters from Ken, and his arrival back in October.

German propaganda news from Berlin. The lead article refers to the plot to assassinate Hitler. Home news in brief is a collection of negative stories about Britain.

A wrapper off a chocolate bar. On the reverse 'War-time Emergency Label'.


A ration book issued to Jose.


A card issued to John for his rations.
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