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  • Tags: final resting place

A letter and transcript to Charlie Warner's sister from Donald Flett. Donald was the sole survivor of the Lancaster crash.

Writes that spring is on the way and comments on the weather. Wonders what conditions were like in his camp and whether he managed to keep warm and had enough food. Recounts recent visit by a friend. Relates newspaper article about a scheme for…

Mentions visitors arriving next day and comments on the weather. Discusses the rent for their house and issues. Still awaiting replies to her cables and mentions problems with them. Wonder s if he is getting their letters and numbers them so he will…

Writes of burial of three Canadian officers, one of whom was their son Oscar, in a local cemetery. Describes the cemetery and funeral. Explains that they had no film to take a photograph and offers sympathy.

The letter advises that Francis has been reinterred to Bad Tolz British Military Cemetery.

The letter advises that her husband's body has been positively identified after exhumation. He has now been moved to the British Military Cemetery, Berlin.

The letter includes a photograph of his son's grave and explains that the errors on the cross will be corrected when the permanent headstone is installed.

The letter advises George's parents on the location of his permanent resting place and the two intermediate graves.

The letter states that Ivy's husband has lost his life at Weiswampach in Luxembourg

Refers to letter of 10 May 1944 stated they had passed on a request to the British Red Cross to enquire about his son's cuff-links but they replied that no personal effects on any crew member had been recovered. Goes on to outline new enquiries since…

From War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society and Order of St John of Jerusalem. They have no further information about his son. However an official German report has been received reporting that two further members of his crew (Pilot…

From James and Helen Girdwood asking if they had heard any more news of Hedley who had been friends with their son Bill in Canada. Enclosed photograph of Bill. Addendum notes - 'Extract from Sidcup Times,21 June 1946 notice of pilot Jordan killed…

From Mr and Mrs J Girdwood thanking them for the cutting they sent. Confirms their sons grave in in Venlo Holland along with all his crew. Sorry that Madgetts have no news of Hedley's grave. Writes that their daughter a nursing sister had died after…

Thanks them for photograph. The only news she has is that her son was officially presumed killed and that the bodies of P.O Bradley and Norton had been found and were buried 16 miles from the place they bombed. She writes that she has still not…

Writes that she has received official news of her sons death. He is buried along with Pilot Officer Bradley at Griefswald Weich, 16 mils west of Peenemunde. Asks if Madgetts are in touch with Bradley's family or if they have received any further…

From Air Ministry casualty branch reporting that the Royal Air Force Missing Research and Inquiry Service in Holland had located husband's grave in Venlo. Goes on to describe graves of aircrew recovered from same crash. Mentions some facts about…

Gives notice that her husbands grave will be moved from Venlo to the British Military Cemetery at Jonkersbosch, Nijmegen. Gives details of new graves.

The letter refers to her husband being buried at Daleiden. In time his body will be reinterred at Rheinberg Military Cemetery.

The letter advises that his son was killed and is buried in Neufchatel.

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The letter from the wife of a crew member, Sergeant Bartle, asks if she has heard anything about the crew. She has been in touch with Pilot Officer Griffin's wife and Pilot Officer Walsh's wife. Air Gunner Grellier's mother also wrote to her.…

Reports the result of the investigation carried out by the RAF missing research and enquiry service in Germany. States his aircraft crashed after combat with fighter and crew were buried in common communal grave at Rehborn. Advisees that remains of…

Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

He sends his sympathy to Mrs Wareing on her husband’s capture. He mentions that his brother was the wireless operator in her husbands crew and was killed in action. He would appreciate if anything her husband could tell them about his brother was…

She writes she was sorry to hear that Robert was taken to Germany before Le Havre was liberated and was not rescued by allied forces and sent home like others. Describes sending her a message from her husband shortly after he was shot down and…
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