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  • Tags: bombing

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing damaged multi-storey buildings. Captioned 'Hamburg'.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of a city showing damaged multi-storey buildings at the bottom. Both submitted with description 'Oblique…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of Bremen port with river Weser to the left running bottom to top with dock to the right. Pier in between has extensive railway sidings to the left, warehouses in the middle are mainly without roofs but cleared of…

Top - a note referring to a missing photograph.
Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of Emmerich with the Rhine running top left to middle right. St. Martini church on near bank and a pontoon bridge across the Rhine. Captioned 'a town on the river…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of an airfield with many bomb craters. Two wide grass runways forming a “V” at bottom left, with taxi-track running left to right across centre of photograph. Hardstanding leads off at top right with two or more…

Top - reconnaissance photograph of a almost totally destroyed industrial facility. A few buildings towards the top of the photograph appear intact. Captioned 'Zeitz oil refinery. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of Zeltz [sic] oil refinery…

Bottom left - oblique aerial photograph of a town with destroyed and damaged buildings. Captioned 'Unknown town'. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town showing bomb damage'.

Bottom - oblique aerial photograph of town with railway running left to right through middle. Captioned 'Unknown town'. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town.'.

This is West Essen, the photo is taken…

Top - oblique aerial photograph of a town with damaged multi-story buildings. Submitted with description 'Oblique "Cook's tour" aerial photo of unknown town showing bomb damage. Ministry No. CL 2173'.
Bottom - a man sitting in front of a wireless…

A detailed account of an operation on Friday, 8th October 1943. The crew of Lancaster 'N for Nan' were Pilot PPilot Officer John Charles Peter Taylor from London, Flying Officer Stewart Stubby bomb aimer from Herefordshire, Warrant Officer James…

A letter from Air Officer Commanding Alec Coryton to Patch. He compliments 50 Squadron on their bombing successes. He mentions Oxley who was the Commanding Officer of 50 squadron.

Top - four airmen, two wearing greatcoats, one battledress and one flying jacket, two with shovels, standing in line in snow in front of a Lancaster. Other aircraft parked in the distance behind. Submitted with description 'Clearing snow, RAF…

Target photograph of industrial area top right with roads and buildings. Captioned '324 METH. 25/26.3.44//NT 5", 6,600 ft, LYONS RD.W.18x30, W/C PIERCY. Z/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of of the Signa aero engine works, Lyons, taken…

Top - target photograph showing fields on the left and a built up area with rows of buildings on the right. There is a four engine bomber below bottom left. Captioned '529 METH. 3/4.5.44//NT 8" 6,500' 219 degrees 00.17, MAILY.Rd.F 1x4000HC 16x500MC.…

Top - aircrew member in battledress sitting on a bomb trolley with 8000lb bomb under an aircraft. Submitted with description 'An aircrew member in battledress with an illegible half-brevet sat on a bomb trolley under an unidentified aircraft. Also on…

Top - air-to-air photograph of two Hampdens in formation. Submitted with description 'Aerial photo of two 106 Sqn Hampdens - ZN-K and ZN-F'.
Bottom - three Lancaster parked on dispersal with another two visible in the distance. Submitted with…

Building reduced to metal framework with a tracked vehicle centre bottom with three soldiers in line moving left to middle. Submitted with description 'Photo of damage to a military transport factory in Bremen after allied air attack'.


Top - target photograph showing Bordeaux with Garonne river top right. Captioned '2005 METH 11.8.44//8". 18,000" 010 degrees, `16.33, BORDEAUX E. 6x2000. C. 36 sec. F/O MEREDITH E/106'. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Bordeaux on 11th Aug…

Top - target photograph showing tracer lines and explosions. Caption too faint to read. Submitted with description 'Target photo of Gnome-Rhone factory at Gennevilliers on 9/10 May 1944. Photo taken from Lancaster ND682, ZN-K. Captain: P/O…

In the foreground, a railway track with completely destroyed buildings beyond and U-boats nearing completion. In the upper left corner, a collapsed crane. In the middle, a ship in a drydock. To the right, a metal structure for submarines building.…

Destroyed industrial site with just tangled metal framework remaining. A man in uniform standing centre at bottom. Submitted with description 'Photo of a bomb-damaged machine shop at Krupps Works, Essen. An unidentified serviceman in battledress is…


Cartoon with two men standing in front of a stone inscribed with names. In the background bombed buildings. Above a four engine bomber. Submitted with description 'Photo of a cartoon of Hitler and Goering standing in front of bomb damaged stone with…

Air-to-air view of a large formation of Lancasters flying over Montrichard. The Cher river runs from middle left to right with a bridge in middle. Submitted with description 'Photo numbered C3186. Showing Lancasters flying on low-level daylight…

Inside view of workshop with damaged machinery and structure. Submitted with description 'Air Ministry photo No. CL 2387. First pictures taken inside Krupps. Interior views of the devastated Krupps Works at Essen, the big gun factory. Taken on 11 Apr…


Workshop with twisted metal framework remains. A man in uniform standing bottom centre. Captioned 'Krupps'. Submitted with description 'Photo of damaged Krupps factory with an unidentified man in military uniform in the foreground'.


Left - full face portrait of an airman wearing tunic with flight engineer brevet. Submitted with description 'Full-face photo of unidentified flight engineer'. Right - reconnaissance photograph with text description of the Kembs dam across the Grand…
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