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  • Tags: Lancaster

Top centre - rear quarter view of an airborne Lancaster with squadron letters 'KO-B' Captioned 'Blighty Bound, Bari' (Operation Dodge). Text lists 18 targets/operations, nine either side.

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothing, lifejackets and parachute harness, carrying parachutes, all walking in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'F/O Halloran [O'Halloran] and crew, "Lucky Luxton flew with this crew on trip to Merseburg 4/4/45, all were…

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothes, lifejackets and parachute harness standing in line in front of a Lancaster with 90 bomb symbols below cockpit.

Top left - view from behind of a man in civilian clothes sitting in the pilots seat in the cockpit of a Lancaster.
Bottom left - note stating that in 1981, allowed to sit in pilot's seat of Lancaster in the museum at Hendon, his daughter was allowed…


Witten on page of log book a description of daylight operation to Dortmund marshalling yard on 12 March 1945. Was the largest daylight raid ever carried out by the RAF with over 1000 bombers escorted by squadrons of P-51 and Spitfires. Give some…

Lancaster W4154 with a Rose turret standing on a dispersal. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'S Rose Lancaster turret 346'. Code PE indicates it belongs to 1662 Heavy Conversion Unit

Two factory workers either side of a Rose turret. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'S Rose Lancaster turret 345. The individual on the left of the turret has been identified as Ronald H Scott (1916-2003)'.


An individual demonstrating how to bale out of a Rose turret by leaning headfirst through the opening in the perspex.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'S Rose Lancaster turret 344'.

Two figures wearing oxygen masks look out through the opening of a rear gun turret. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Rose turret 343'. Same photograph but image has been reversed recorded as turret 46.

An airman in a rear turret of an aircraft fuselage supported on blocks of wood. From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Johnny Johnson in Lanc at Roses'. Photograph is captioned 'Johnny Johnson DFC Ex/Flt 617 Squadron RAF.

Left page:
Top - oblique aerial photograph of a bombed city with destroyed buildings.
Middle left - smaller version of enlarged photograph above. Captioned 'Lancaster flight from Skipton-on-Swale on a sight seeing trip over the Ruhr, shells of…

A Tea towel with a sketch map of Eastern England. 93 airfields are numbered and named, the different bombers are depicted and named, the Group headquarters are named and there is a quote from Winston Churchill.

A biography of Douglas and his service in the RAF. It includes events and a reunion with a former crew member.

Has requested deferred release post war to apply to remain in the service.

Internal working slip for Good Conduct Badge when Frank was Flight Sergeant on 75 Squadron .

Frank's first confidential report, asked for by the Air Ministry.

Geoffrey Robinson's recollection of an operation to bomb Bonn in December 1944.

Seven airmen in flying kit under the nose of a Lancaster. The nose graphic records 118 operations. The nose art is of Mickey the Moocher, a cartoon mouse pulling a trolley with a bomb.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

The events after Ronald was shot down on the morning of D-day.

Five airmen wearing battledress standing under the port inner engine of a Lancaster. The Lancaster has the front guns removed and covers over the engines and cockpit.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No…

View over the top of the starboard wing of a flying Lancaster.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


Air-to-air view over the starboard wing of another Lancaster in formation.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


View from rear quarter of an airborne Lancaster. Two versions of the same image. Submitted with caption 'PD342-1'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.


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