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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

Number 41. He writes about Ursula’s attempt to buy a house and the parcels and letters he has received. He also mentions their outside shelter and converting it to tool shed and of his chocolate store. Writes of his tribulations with learning to…

Number 43. Mentions near completion of a year, dance band show, upcoming music exams and his health.

Number 44. Writes that it is the end of his first year in captivity and wonders how it has been for her. He tells of his desire to be reunited, his fiddle practice, his apologies for seeming ungrateful for parcels, a request for no further clothes…

Number 46. He writes of an upcoming transfer to prisoner of war camp named Heidekrug as far to east as possible in Germany, the likely transportation there and the subsequent change to living conditions and mail arrangements. He also writes about his…

Number 47. Writes that his new address will be Stalag Luft VI, although he hasn’t yet got a date for departure and he is worried that he will not be able to send as many letters. He mentions price limits on house buying and that he had sat his…

Number 48. Writes that they should depart for new camp on or before 10 June. Notes that letters should be addressed to Stalag Luft VI but parcels still to Stalag Luft 3. Says he is looking forward to change as he has been outside camp only once.…

Number 106(49). Reports arrival of two of her letters and that she will not hear from him for a while as they leave the next day. Mentions music exams he taken. Says he will keep up his violin, his study of agriculture and Dutch. He writes that he is…

Number 168-25. Writes he is getting use to new camp and describes advantages (can go anywhere in large camp) and disadvantages (overcrowding and limited facilities). Has place to practise violin but have had no mail or parcels for 2 months. Writes…

Number 169-26. Expresses concern over her safety from new weapon and suggest that she moves if in range. Notes they have only been there a couple of weeks he writes he will not be sorry to leave as camp lacks comforts and conveniences they are used…

Relates that representative of Swedish Y.M.C.A visited his camp recently bearing enquiries about his well being. The visitor a Mr Soderburg asked if he needed anything and he asked for a violin bow as well as tooth paste and socks as his wife's last…

Letter to P Floyd, father of his pilot Philip expressing his admiration for his skill as a pilot and sorrow in having to inform him of Philip's probable death. Gives an account of being shot down.

He thanks them for the parcel with a pipe and other stuff.

He is well and has received letters. He asks for photos.

He is well and has received a letter. He appreciates the pipe that he has recently received.

He is well, playing bridge, reading and walking.

He is well and has received mail. He has cigarettes and asks for more.

Postcard from prisoner of war, John, number 250760 to his parents and Joyce, sent from the camp, saying that he is well. It includes a coloured drawing of a snow-covered cottage with a holly border.

A letter to Dick from his friend, Ken asking him how he is and wishing him well.

Full face black and white portrait of 'Sqn Ldr Alastair Grant Lang DFC (from a drawing in Stalag Luft III by Leonard Pearman'.

Programme of musical entertainment with signatures of the artists.

Prisoner of war diary of Les Rutherford, captured the 20 December 1943 and then detained at Stalag Luft 3 (Belaria). It consists mostly of sketches and cartoons but also information on camp life, photographs and German newspaper cuttings. The diary…

The letter is a response for Allan's request to become a member of the Caterpillar Club after his safe use of a parachute.

A group of prisoners marching through the camp gates, passed a sentry box and watched by guards.
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