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  • Tags: pilot

Lists of crews for operations 5/6 June 1945. Includes duty personnel and briefing times. Handwritten figures between 8000 and 12000 at 500 intervals above each crew.

Crew lists, briefing times and duty staff for operations on night 13/14 February 1944. There are some pencilled calculation in the margins.

Hard book cover annotated 'Secret' with label '44 Squadron Briefing Reports'.

A poem titled The Pilots

A service diary written by Peter Hattersley covering the period from November 1930 to 24 September 1948.Initially he served in the Royal Engineers but in February 1936 he joined the RAF. It covers his training and operations including a newspaper…

Three quarters portrait of Kathleen and Peter Hattersley, both in uniform. They are standing holding arms. Behind is a garden with a brick wall. The reverse is captioned but is undecipherable.

Herbert O'Hara's pilot log book from the Lincoln School of Aeronautics, Lakeland Florida, from 21 July 1941 to 12 December 1942. Aircraft flown were Stearman, Anson and Oxford. He was taught landings, take offs, spins and stalls.

Left page title 'Handley Page Hampden No 50 Squadron Lindholme and Swinderby, 1941'.

Top - pilot wearing heavy jacket and flying helmet in the opened cockpit of a Hampden. Caption 'Sergeant Pilot'.

Middle - two aircrew and two ground crew…

Left page title 'Targets'

Top left - a note 'got to here'. Top right - an aerial oblique view of a city-scape with some large buildings and some damage visible. Captioned 'Essen' on the reverse 'Essen'.

Middle - an aerial oblique view of a…

Warrant Officer Des Horgan Royal New Zealand Air Force, far right, and crew sitting on an aircraft engine. Third from left is rear gunner, Flight Sergeant Iwikau Te Aika Royal New Zealand Air Force. Behind is a Stirling 'AA-Q' and airfield…

Peter Hattersley standing beside the port side of a Hawker biplane.

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Wing Commander Peter Hattersley in uniform leaning out of a window.

Peter Hattersley in side cap and uniform standing on a lawn with buses and trees behind. To his right is a second airman.

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Head and shoulders portrait of Peter Hattersley in uniform with Distinguished Flying Cross ribbon. On the reverse 'Peter Waddington Oct 1940' and 'D.H.C.M.'

Peter Hattersley in uniform standing on a lawn with bushes and trees behind. The picture has been cut from a larger photograph. On the reverse 'Left to right'.

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The cockpit and instrument panel of a Handley Page Hampden. On the reverse '"The Office" of the Handley Page "Hampden" with which 106 is now re-armed. Note all the levers, nobs, handles, buttons, switches, tits, and so on, which one is expected to…

Peter Hattersley in flying uniform with helmet, goggles and parachute. He is leaning on the port wing of a Blackburn B2.

Full length portrait of Peter Hattersley standing outside an RAF building. On the reverse -
Pilot Officer
Du Cane Court
W Hattersley
118 Stn High Rd'

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Full length portrait of Peter Hattersley in uniform standing outside a wooden hut. He is wearing gloves and holding a cigarette. On the reverse 'C.R.H evidently annoyed about something. The background is our quarters.'

Six airmen including Peter Hattersley in a three quarter length portrait. They are standing by a fence with the Canadian Horseshoe falls behind them.

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Six airmen standing on a lawn in front of bushes and trees. The left hand section has the names of the individuals -
'Left to right: F/Lt Bob Merrick
Lt/Col Clark USA
W/Cdr 'Digger' Larkin
W/Cdr 'Dickey' Milne
W/Cdr 'Prickey' Day

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Six airmen standing casually. Five are wearing side caps and one a peaked cap. One is in United States Army Air Force uniform. A path leads off into the distance. They are framed by a tree on the left. The image is damaged with a central section…

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Five airmen standing on a lawn. Behind are trees and bushes. The right-hand side of the photograph has been cutoff. On the reverse
'W/Cdr 'Digger' Larkin
F/Lt Bob Merrick
W/Cdr 'Pricky' Day
Lt/Col Clark USA
W/Cdr 'Dicky' Milne
W/Cdr 'Hatters'…

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