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  • Tags: bombing

Writes that she presumed he was on operation reported on radio and hopes he will ring. Catches up with news of her activities and baby issues. Notes no letter from him for two days.

Writes thanking him for letter and news that operation are held up. Presumes he was on Rostock operation previous night. Wishes they would give him leave as she misses him.


Writes of sitting in garden with daughter and of his new crewing. Mentions Whitley aircraft overhead and continues with family/friends news. Hopes he will be able to come home and encourages him to see MO about his cold. Comments on good weather and…

Remarks on his recent letters that have arrived. Comments on his conversion to the Manchester and that she would have preferred four engines. Mentions his visit to MO and missing crews. Writes of parcel from India as well as tennis racquet and bike…

Writes it was a shock to her that he was starting operations again so soon and would be interested to know how he was getting on with augmented crew. Comments on good weather, her daily activities and catches up with family news. Comments on possible…

Thanks him for ringing as it makes her happy and cheerful knowing he is safe. Asked his views on Churchill's speech but did not like his view on using gas on Germany. Writes of how much baby Frances dislike her gas mask and that she will try and get…

She thanks him for writing and is amused about his comments on the after-life, but tells him how worried she had been when she had heard that 19 bombers had been missing. She goes on to tell him of domestic matters and hopes for leave soon.

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Thanks him for letters and comments on weather. Writes about gardening and plans to go down to Gloucestershire. Mentions sending photographs for his comment. Hopes he will have done his 10th trip done and application for commission in by June 8.


Thanks him for phone call and describes preparations for weekend in the country. Thanks him for letter and extra allotment. Catches up with family/friends news. Felt he was on opeartions and prays all went well.


Mentions a financial issue and a bad journey home. Writes of air raid and using the shelter and how comfortable it was. Continues with gossip on her activities.

Writes that it was a lovely day and wished he was with her to enjoy it. Mentions recent radio news about Lancaster losses but presumes it was not him. Comments on his laundry parcel and continues with family news and gossip.

Apologises for not writing, had been very busy. Writes that he had been on operations to Duisburg and Pilsen. Mentions off duty activities and photographs of his service mates and his aircraft. Catches up with news of acquaintance and comments on…

From W C Green offering sympathy over news that Hedley is missing and hoping that he might have survived. Admires bravery of crews.

The letter advises Alan to get some 'combinations' -underwear. He mentions night fighters will protect Coventry.


She has not received any recent letter from Alan. She asks if he received a parcel from her and another from Gwen. She describes in detail the bombing close by. Then she tells Alan of family friends she has met.


Expresses regret that her husband was missing as a result of air operations to Dortmund on night 4 May 1943. Does not necessary mean he was killed and they would make enquiries through Red Cross.

Writes with regret to inform him that his son was missing as a result of air operations on night 24/25 July 1944 when his Lancaster in which he was wireless operator set out to attack Stuttgart. Inquiries were being made through red cross. Asks if he…

The letter advises Mrs Turner that her son is seriously ill after a flying accident.

Thanks him for last letter and describes a daylight German attack near his office. Two bombs dropped nearby but did not explode and were dealt with by Royal Engineers. Two oil bombs were also dropped, but these landed on waste ground. Mentions life…

Senders address is care of Worms and Company (shipping agents). Asks whether Dennis Raettig has been receiving mail from his father and relates family news. Comments that most women and children have been evacuated. Tells story of two women…

Writes about stories of damage to Hull in bombing related by him and other acquaintances. Enquires about other people and relates some family news. Mentions that things are not comfy at her location due to bombing but she wished to stay with her…

Expresses regret that his son Pilot Officer Donald Arthur Baker was missing as a result of air operations on 5 November 1941. Only information available was that he was captain of a Hampden which set out to bomb the enemy and failed to return. Does…

Reports that son Pilot Officer D A Baker was missing as a result of air operations. Mentions he was captain of aircraft detailed to attack shipping but cause of failure to return was not known. Provides hopeful information for future, mentions that…

From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…
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