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  • Tags: pilot

Six airmen wearing side caps are standing in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse they are identified as 'Jock Rear Gunner, Tom Navigator, Me Skipper, Al Engineer, Paddy Mid-upper Gunner Jock Wireless Operator'.

Five men standing in a row, four airmen with a pilot with peaked cap standing in the centre. In front, two further airmen squatting down. All are wearing battledress. Aircraft letter 'E' right, on part of rear fuselage of a bomber

Six airmen wearing flying suits, five standing in front of and one sitting on the port wing of a Wirraway trainer. On the reverse 'Uranquinty, l to R, RV Jubb, Herb Thwaites, Andy D Wine, Don McKimling, Tom Hoon, David Wilson'.

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Six airmen, including Dennis, standing in a row in front of their Lancaster.

Six airmen including Peter Hattersley in a three quarter length portrait. They are standing by a fence with the Canadian Horseshoe falls behind them.

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Six airmen wearing battledress, three standing, one sitting on a bicycle and two sitting on the ground, all by the door of a Nissen hut. Five are pilots. Submitted with caption 'crew'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption…

Dennis and five of his crew arm in arm in front of their Lancaster.

The six airmen are sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - Mid upper
Self - Navigator
Fred Shepherd -Bomb-aimer (Note new brevet)
'Mac' MacFarlane - Skipper'
Nobby Clarke - Rear…

The six men are sitting on the front of their Lancaster. The pilot is in his seat leaning out of the cockpit window.

Six airmen wearing uniform below the nose of a Lancaster. Harry Fearns is in the back row, second from the left.

Five airmen sitting on the top of a Lancaster with a sixth sitting in the cockpit. 134 operations are marked on the nose and '134 Not Out'. Lancaster LS-J.
A second copy is annotated 'Rear Gunner Skipper F/Eng Midgunner B/Aimer W/Op Nav on leave'.

Two photographs of six airmen sitting on the port inner engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'(Mildenhall) ME844
Taken @ 15 Squadron shortly after moving from 218 Squadron (Methwold)
Left to Right
Jimmy Bourke - mid upper
Self (Dennis…

The six men are standing at the rear of a Finglands' Anson, G-AKFM. The pilot is in the middle and Les is on the right in white overalls.
Finglands was a bus company that briefly ran an airline.

Top left - riddled plane won dual. Story of recovery of damaged bomber pilot Flt Sgt F E Mathers RAF awarded Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Wireless operator and rear gunner (Sgt G E French) awarded Distinguished Flying Medal.
Middle left - Regiment…

Six pilots all wearing battledress with brevet, three sitting in front and three standing behind. Each has name annotated 'back row, left to right - Pattisson, Lawson, Thom, front row left to right - Powell, Hockaday, Culmsee'.

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Seven aircrew known as Skilling's Follies standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Photo edge Fred Clark, Flt Engineer UK, Dugy Cruckshank, Bomb aimer, New Zealand, Bob Martin Wirless [sic] Opp UK, Hugh Skilling Pilot New Zealand, Len Petford…

Seven airmen, four seated and three standing. One photograph has the seven airmen numbered and on the reverse they are identified -
'Mid/Up No 1 John Meadows - Epping Forest
Rear/G No 2 EA McDonald - Hull
Wirless [sic] /Op No 3 HR Martin -…

Photo 1 is the pilot viewed from the bomb aimer's station of a Lancaster, captioned 'Skipper settles down'.
Photo 2 is of black explosions above the clouds, captioned ' "Flak" over Gelsenkirchen.
Photo 3 is captioned 'Yank drome' and is of…

A series of head and shoulder portraits of four of Jim's aircrew mates standing in front of a sergeant's mess.

Additional information about the item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A small group of airmen and women captioned 'Snowy at investiture receiving DFM from HRH Duke of Gloucester Canberra 1946'.

Jack's wife recollecting meeting Jack, their marriage and her later life. She describes meeting with Jack's surviving crew members, pilot Tom Dykins, Sergeant Bert Price, Sergeant Doug Looms and Stan Jones, who had been held as prisoners of war after…

Six photographs from an album.
Photos 1, 2, 3 and 4 are head shots of Terry Ford flying, wearing a helmet and goggles.
Photo 5 is five airmen arranged around a table, captioned 'Crew Room'.
Photo 6 is an aerial photograp of a town viewed through…

Mentions that he has six log books to cover his flying career. Gives a brief outline of career starting in Poland and then in United Kingdom starting in 1940. After training he became an instructor until volunteering for operations and posting to 300…
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