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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Target photograph showing harbour area on the left with bright spots top left quadrant and centre left. Caption '128, WS 14/15.6.44, NT 82, Le Havre RD, F, 1 x 14000, F/O Stanford, F, 617'. On the reverse '51:93/9'.

Target photograph showing harbour area on the left with bright spots top left quadrant and just below centre left. Caption '146, WS 14/15.6.44, NT8", Le Havre RD, J, 1 x 14000, P/O Gingles, L, 617'. On the reverse 53:93/10'.

Target photograph showing built up area on the left and harbour area on the right. Bright spot centre one third way up. Caption '130, WS 14/15.6.44, NT 82, Le Havre RD, K1, 1 x 14000, F/L Wilson N, 617'. On the reverse 53:93/11'.

Target photograph showing coastline on the left. Caption '138, W.S 14/15.6.44, Le Havre RD, S, 1 x 14000, F/Lt Reid, S, 617'. On the reverse '53:93/12 Photo 159'.

Target photograph showing bright spots bottom left and bottom centre. Caption '172, W.s. 14/15.6.44, NT 8", Le Havre, T, 1 x 14000, F/O Willsher, T, 617'. On the reverse '51:93/13'

Target photograph showing two bright spots on left side. Caption '148, ,W.S. 14/15.6.44, NT 8", Le Havre RD, V, 1 x 14000, F/O Cheney, V, 617'. On the reverse '51/93/14'.

Target photograph showing bright spots bottom left and just right of centre. Caption '141, WS 14/15.6.44, NT 8", Le Havre RD, V, 1 x 14000, F/O Cheney, V, 617'. On the reverse '51:93/15'.

Target photograph blurred with built up area on left. Caption '137, WS 14/15.6.44, NT 8, 16700, 108 degree, 2234, Le Havre RD, Z, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Ross, Z, 617', On the reverse '500 yards 190 degrees'.

Target photograph showing land at the top and sea at the bottom with town and harbour centre. There are two bomb explosions visible left centre and a bright spot below them to the right.. Caption '6 90, KLS, 14/6/44, 8" 20000, H, H625'. On the…

Target photograph showing sea to the left and a point of land left centre with harbour to the right. There are a large number of bomb explosions in the harbour area top right. On the reverse 'Ops 162, cam 1, neg 9, daylight/night attack of Harbour -…

Target photograph showing coastline runs from left to right with harbour behind breakwaters in the centre. On the reverse '162, cam 1, neg 19, daylight/night attack on harbour Le Havre, date 14.6.44, squadron 463, 617, pilot F/O Schultz, a/c…

Three-quarter length portrait of Leonard Cheshire wearing dinner jacket with medals. In the background chairs and curtained windows. On the reverse '617 Reunion, June 66, AF/235'.

A three quarters portrait of Leonard Cheshire and another officer. They have raised glasses of beer and are smiling.

A civilian and two airmen under a Lancaster with a mocked up bouncing bomb during the filming of The Dam Busters. Standing with…

Thanks him on behalf of Wing Commander Thomas for all the lectures he gave to flight leaders school.

From Headquarters 54 Base Coningsby. Letter covering Group Captain Christie's letter concerning Squadron Leader Campbell and Flight Lieutenant Fleming.

On Vickers-Armstrong headed paper classified secret. Write saying that he will send bombing charts at once.

Transcription of letter from Ken Gill's pilot. Writes of snow clearing activities. Catches up with news of brothers and family's activities. Mentions recent snowy weather and a difficult flight when they had difficulty finding somewhere to land.…

From officer at Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough. Thanks respondent for memorandum and goes on to discuss that operational efficiency of Bomber Command could be greatly enhanced by maintenance in good order of automatic pilot.

To 54 Base Coningsby forwarding the names of two pilots who were anxious to return to operational duties on Mosquito. Squadron Leader C F Campbell DSO, DFC and Flight Lieutenant R T Fleming DFC. Includes operational history.

To officer at Central Medical Establishment thanking him for letter stating that he will get the medical officer to complete special fitting mentioned.

Acknowledges letter of 13 January 1944. Does not consider that blame for over payment lies with him. Asks that they confirm he actually received the money. Once confirmed he would pay the whole amount by cheque.
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