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  • Tags: Nissen hut

Three airmen seated outside a Nissen hut. Bicycle to the left.

Four men, three of them pilots, standing outside a Nissen hut.
There is a second slightly cropped version.

A montage of a strip of 18 photographs featuring veterans from squadrons based at RAF Oulton. The first ten photos feature veterans assembled in front of a building. The last nine photos are the veterans assembled in front of a Nissen hut. On the…

An airman wearing tunic standing carrying a number of unidentified objects. In the background Nissen huts. Submitted with caption 'tiger'.


Six airmen in a group outside a Nissen hut. On the reverse ' "Too Stiff to Move" so the photo was taken again, a little further away. L to R Pilot, Wop, Mid upper gunner, rear gunner.
L to R Navigator, Bomb- Aimer'.
Information supplied with the…

An airman wearing battledress with brevet and medal ribbons standing holding the saddle of a bicycle which is propped against a Nissen hut. On the reverse 'RAF Tilstock, Mar 45, Willy the ______ from the west'.

Albert Frederick Nye, holding a cigarette, outside a Nissen hut with a second Nissen hut alongside. Annotated on the reverse is 'A F Nye'.


Six photographs on an album page.
#1. Four men seated at a table in a Nissen hut. Bedding, washing and other paraphernalia of living can be seen. It is captioned: 'STURGATE '45'
#2. Six airmen in uniform, seated on bicycles with their arms around…

Ted and a friend engaged in sporting activities. Ted has a baseball and ball. His friend has an American football and catcher's glove. They are dressed in shorts. Behind are Nissen huts. On the reverse 'To the sweetest girl in the world. From the…

An airmen wearing battledress with flight sergeant rank and flying boots feeding a horse/pony. In the background buildings including Nissen huts and tents.

John standing outside a Nissen hut at RAF Downham Market.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Top left: man sat reading a newspaper. On reverse, 'Les Harris'.
Centre: Three servicemen sat outside a Nissen hut. On reverse. 'Three oppo's'.
Bottom left: Inside Nissen hut bar. On reverse: 'The transit mess'.
Bottom right: Man sat on wicker…

Six airmen in battledress, with brevets. Three are sitting in the ground and three behind them, sitting on a bench. Bernard Ross is seated on the left. The airman front centre is a pilot. The one at the rear left is holding a book. In the background…

Six airmen in battledress, three standing and three lying in the entrance to a bell tent. There are Nissen huts behind.

Joyce Exton Wallace recalls a misunderstanding whist giving orders to inspect the barrage balloon bed wires which was misinterpreted as an order to inspect the wires of the 16 beds in the Nissen hut.

#1 is five ground crew standing in front of two crash trucks.
#2 is 12 men and women from the SSQ staff.
#3 is 12 men and women in front of trucks, captioned 'Staff'.
#4 is a red and white control caravan.
#5 is an ambulance.
#6 is a Nissen hut…

A group of nine of Audrey and family. They are sitting in front of a nissen hut.


Seven uniformed men arranged on the bonnet of a car with an eighth man in uniform at the wheel. Three men are wearing peaked caps, four wear half caps and one is bareheaded. One of the men hold a pair of gloves in his hand. Half brevets and sergeant…

Eight uniformed men standing in a row, three with peaked caps and five with peak caps. They are standing in front of a car with the partially covered registration plate, ending V866. Behind the group is a Nissen hut with five metal chimneys arranged…

An engineer and an air gunner in uniform with brevet badges.. The air gunner also has a wireless operator's badge above his sergeant's stripes. Both are bare headed and the man on the left is holding a pipe in his hand. They are standing outside in…

Four airmen in front of a Nissen hut. The man standing second from the left is seen holding a cigarette in his mouth. On the reverse is the handwritten number "521 63".

John Taplin and fellow crew members. They are standing in front of a Nissen hut. On the reverse they have signed their names. An additional note states 'LR (Rear Gunner) Waite Dad [circled, John Taplin], Gordon (Nav) Black'.

Eight man crew with pilot. George, standing third left, standing in front of a Nissen hut. On the reverse 'Flt/Lt Frazer-Hollins and crew at Ludforf Magna about September 1943'.

A group of thirty-five airmen mostly with visible brevet sitting and standing in four rows in front of a Nissen hut.

Full length image of an airman wearing flying clothes. Another airman behind facing away also in flying clothes. In the background a Nissen hut and two other figures.
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