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  • Collection: Filiputti, Angiolino

A P-38 crashes in flames while other aircraft are visible in the sky amongst shell bursts. A body of water flanked by trees and gun emplacements is visible in the background.

Label reads “120”; signed by the author; caption reads “13 Luglio…

An airman with a parachute trailing on the ground behind him is surrounded by a boy and two military personnel. A farmer is standing nearby. The men in uniform are pointing guns at the airman whilst the local boy is moving towards him. Two aircraft…

In the sky, parachutes are floating down from aircraft and landing in the distance. Tanks from either side are engaged in battle. Black and white striped landing craft are disgorging their troops onto the beach. Many of the landing craft are engulfed…

In a mountain village, families are being rounded up by German soldiers. The soldiers are armed and are beating some of the civilians. Three men have been beaten on the head. Two are lying on the ground, whilst one is falling to the ground. In the…

Prisoners are visible behind barbed wire, wearing blue and white striped clothes and black shoes. A German soldier is guarding them, armed with a rifle. There are two huts. The white building has a large chimney with black smoke billowing out of it.…

A mountain village following an attack. Large fires are burning everywhere and the remains of a building, machinery and a dead cow are visible. Corpses are lying on the ground. Civilians coming from the direction of the buildings are surrendering.…

Twelve aircraft are dropping bombs on two railway and road bridges, as well as on the nearby town. A figure in uniform is running away and has dropped a rifle.

Label reads “015”; signed by the author; caption reads “19 Maggio 1944.…

A shoot-out is taking place in Tolmezzo. Alpini Lieutenant Renato Del Din has been shot in the head, causing him to drop his pistol and fall to the ground.

Label reads “104”; signed by the author; caption reads “CARNIA 25 APRILE 1944 –…

Returning from an operation against an airfield near Gorizia, British aircraft drop small bombs on a rural lane where two oxen are pulling a cart. Two men are running away from the scene. Buildings are visible on the left.

Label reads “96”;…

Three soldiers have found two partisans hiding in a haystack. One partisan has both his cheeks pierced by the bayonet of one of the soldiers and in the background, the other partisan has his arms in the air and a solider is pointing a rifle with a…

A group of civilians takes shelter in a ditch at night. In the middle distance, a bare landscape with sparse trees is illuminated by bursts of anti-aircraft fire and flares.

Label reads “93”; signed by the author; caption reads “9 Gennaio…

A girl with a bag brings supplies to a man in uniform who is walking toward her with outstretched hands. In a sparse wood, other servicemen are visible, dispersed amongst the trees under makeshift tents. A second girl is on the right. Meat on a spit…

The Italian liner SS Rex is listing onto its side in Trieste harbour. Flames have engulfed the stern of the ship and fuel on the water has caught fire. Black smoke is rising into a clear sky. The shoreline can be seen on the horizon.

Label reads…

British tanks are firing at Italian soldiers. One is dead whilst others have been hit and are falling to the ground. Other soldier are charging the tanks. One soldier in the mid-ground is about to throw a grenade with his left hand. An Italian flag…

Two black and white photographs show submariners looking upwards, their faces showing fear and alarm. A tempera depicting a British or American warship sailing right to left is partially visible in the top left corner.

Label reads “78”; signed…

A depth charge is exploding near a submarine while the bow of a Royal Navy warship is visible above the water. Three black and white photographs have been pasted onto the painting, depicting submariners in various poses. Some are looking up; one is…

Four vehicles or artillery pieces can be seen on the horizon with black smoke rising to the sky. Buildings have been bombed. Flames, smoke and rubble are shooting into the sky. In the foreground, nine German soldiers are firing rifles and an…

An "Alpino" has been stabbed in the hand by German soldiers whilst trying to board an open-top lorry which is transporting the Germans. Other Italian soldiers are attempting to escape or are slumped on the ground. In the sky, two aircraft are visible…

Two manned torpedoes are exiting from a hidden hatch in the hull of the Italian auxiliary ship Olterra. Each torpedo has two figures sitting on it wearing diving suits and equipment.

Label reads “74”; signed by the authors; caption reads…

A lifeboat from the Laconia floats on rough seas with eleven figures on board, among them two Polish soldiers. The soldier on the left is standing over the others in the boat. He has a pistol in his right hand and is pointing it at the occupants of…

Six naked figures are on two makeshift rafts floating in rough seas, surrounded by sharks. Two figures holding sticks are trying to scare the sharks away. Three of the figures are pointing to their left and shouting. Men are also in the water…

At night, the submarine U-156 launches a torpedo at the SS Laconia. A massive explosion causes large flames and black smoke to engulf the centre of the liner. Small flags are flying from the masts of the ship. A postcard with the caption “The New…

The destroyer Vivaldi rams the HMS Oswald (N58). Black smoke is billowing out of the main funnel.

Label reads “58”; signed by the author; “5… una delle precedent azioni dell‘eroico CCTT, lo speronamento del sommergibile inglese…

On calm seas, the destroyers Vivaldi and Malocello exchange salvos with HMS Foresight (H68). The three vessels are engulfed in flames and black smoke is billowing upwards. Shells are exploding in the water near the Italian destroyer on the left of…

The Italian destroyer "Vivaldi" firing torpedoes in rough seas.

Label reads “55”; signed by the author; caption reads “ 2 Il “Vivaldi” è a 5800 metri dai piroscafi e a 5000 metri dai caccia di scorta il “Malocello” è alla stessa…
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