Submariners trapped at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Part 2
Submariners trapped at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Part 2
Two black and white photographs show submariners looking upwards, their faces showing fear and alarm. A tempera depicting a British or American warship sailing right to left is partially visible in the top left corner.
Label reads “78”; signed by the author; caption reads “a bordo tutti i sommergibilisti rimangono calmi, uno possiede addirittura, abbastanza sangue freddo da riprendere con la sua macchina fotografica, gli ultimi attimi di vita. Quando il sommergibile affondato è stato ripescato, la pellicola è stata ritrovata intatta, le immagini impresse su di essa rappresentano una delle documentazioni piu drammatiche della Guerra subacquea.
Caption translates as: “on board, all the submariners remained calm. One of them remained so calm and collected that he recorded their last moments with his camera. When the sunken submarine was salvaged, the film was found intact. The images recorded on it are some of the most tragic documents of submarine warfare.”
Label reads “78”; signed by the author; caption reads “a bordo tutti i sommergibilisti rimangono calmi, uno possiede addirittura, abbastanza sangue freddo da riprendere con la sua macchina fotografica, gli ultimi attimi di vita. Quando il sommergibile affondato è stato ripescato, la pellicola è stata ritrovata intatta, le immagini impresse su di essa rappresentano una delle documentazioni piu drammatiche della Guerra subacquea.
Caption translates as: “on board, all the submariners remained calm. One of them remained so calm and collected that he recorded their last moments with his camera. When the sunken submarine was salvaged, the film was found intact. The images recorded on it are some of the most tragic documents of submarine warfare.”
Temporal Coverage
Spatial Coverage
One tempera on paper, pasted on mount board
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Angiolino Filiputti, “Submariners trapped at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Part 2,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 7, 2025,
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