Submariners trapped at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Part 1



Submariners trapped at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Part 1


A depth charge is exploding near a submarine while the bow of a Royal Navy warship is visible above the water. Three black and white photographs have been pasted onto the painting, depicting submariners in various poses. Some are looking up; one is counting on his fingers.

Label reads “77”; signed by the author; caption reads “GLI ULTIMI TRE SECONDI. Il marinaio che ha scattato queste fotografie sapeva che a lui ed hai suoi compagni restavano solo 3 secondi per vivere. Siamo nel Mar Baltico nel 1943, il sommergibile Tedesco è stato intrappolato, da un incrociatore inglese, sul sommergibile stanno ora scendendo inesorabili le bombe di profondita. Il sommergibile danneggiato non può muoversi, ed attende l’esplosione finale. Ma “.

Caption translates as: “The Last Three Seconds. The sailor who took these photographs knew that he and his comrades only had three more seconds to live. Baltic Sea, 1943. The German submarine was under the fire of a British cruiser. Depth charges were relentlessly descending on the submarine. The damaged boat could not move and waited for the final explosion. But”

Temporal Coverage

Spatial Coverage





One tempera on paper, pasted on mount board


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Angiolino Filiputti, “Submariners trapped at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Part 1,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 8, 2025,

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