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  • Collection: Wareing, Robert

Sorry to hear news of Bob and offers sympathy.

Sorry to hear Joan's bad news.

She tells of all her travels and how pleased she is that Bob is no longer ‘missing’ but is a prisoner of war, and hopes he soon recovers from his injuries.

Sorry to hear bad news and offers sympathy.


Enquires on behalf of the Standing Committee of Adjustment as to how she wishes to dispose of her husband’s Austin motorcar.

Expresses concern over news says not to give up hope and that she is praying for her.

Expresses her joy at the good news and hopes the war will soon be over so that Bob and Joan will be together again.

She writes that she is sorry she was unable to visit her when she was in Scunthorpe but is now back in London. She has been to the Red Cross to obtain information regarding Prisoners of War and to check that they had received Joan’s letter…

Letter from Muriel to her friend Joan. She writes that she has been in hospital but if feeling much better now. She says that she has been very worried during the past few weeks having heard that fighting had broken out in Saarbrucken causing…

Letter from Margaret to her friend Joan. She writes that Joan must be pleased to have found out where her husband, Bob, is and that her very good friend’s son is also at the same prisoner of war camp and has been there for over a year. She also…

She writes that she has just heard the news about Joan’s husband, Bob and knows what she is going through. She urges her to keep her hopes up and that it may be a long wait before she hears news of him. She suggests that Joan come to visit.

Expresses their sadness at her news and hoping that she will receive better news in the near future

They write expressing their sympathy that her husband has been reported missing and to inform her to whom she needs to communicate regarding her official allowances if she needs to do so.

Writes forwarding her a temporary allowance application form.

Writes that she is very pleased Bob is safe and hopes he will be back home soon. She asked if he was badly burned and if he is still in France.

Says that he has just heard the news about Bob and hopes it won’t be long before he is back in the Mess at Market Harborough. He suggests that she contact his Squadron to advise them of the good news.

Say that they are delighted to know that Bob is safe and wish him a speedy return. Passes on other news and gossip. Ask if she has had any other news.

Advises her that her husband’s Austin car has been authorised to be released by the Air Ministry. However, the car is not on the station and therefore Mrs Wareing needs to collect it from a garage in Market Harborough.

Thanks her for her letter and delighted to hear that her husband Bob has fully recovered from his burns and hope that he will be home soon.

Acknowledges her letter and returning her husband’s car Registration Book. He regrets that they can’t issue petrol coupons and the car is not at the Station but suggests she write to her local Petroleum Board and make an application through them.

Expresses sorrow that her husband, Bob, has been reported as missing. He writes that there is every possibility that he may have baled out or force landed in enemy territory and hopes that she will receive news of him soon.

Says that he has received the splendid news.

In response to her letter. They inform her that so far no news has been received but that if they do receive news they will contact her immediately.


Acknowledges receipt of her two letters and expressing their delight that she has received news of her husband, Squadron Leader Robert Wareing. They confirm that they have verified the broadcast and that as soon as official confirmation is received…
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