Browse Items (187 total)

  • Collection: Redgrave, Henry Cecil

A letter from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry relates his most recent examination results, which indicate he should pass his final ones. He mentions receiving heavily censored letters from a friend posted to a controlled area of Scotland…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes from Redbrae and tells the story of his journey back from leave, including talking on the train to a Canadian civilian.

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about life at Redbrae including playing golf, going to a local ice hockey match and his examination results.

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. He writes about memories of their home-life and admits to being homesick. He has finished some tricky examinations and hopes to have more time in the evenings. Harry plans out Jessie's…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry is studying hard for his exams and putting in flying hours in Fokkers. He replies positively to Jessie's mention of starting to 'Dig for Victory' by growing vegetables and suggests…

A letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about studying hard for examinations and meeting up with old colleagues.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie discussing the payment of a debt, his signals test and arrangements for her trip to see him in Scotland. He has managed to arrange somewhere for Jessie to stay and will send travel details nearer the time.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie, reporting that he is gaining good results in his training and has been on night flying exercises. He is studying for his next exams. Harry writes of missing their home and life together.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie. Harry details the bad weather, which has closed roads and stopped the post from arriving. He has spent all day clearing snow drifts on the camp.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie relating his day-time flights over the Scottish islands, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Lake District.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie discussing his love for her, the time they spent during his leave and his journey back by train.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He discusses his Easter leave travel plans, his results of a maths exam and flying trips taken by a friend at the station.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about his trepidation about starting to fly in Ansons and a visit from Air Chief Marshall Sir John Steel over whether their air navigation training was thorough enough.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie. Harry has just finished his Maths examination and is very tired mentally. He discusses plans for his leave at Easter and tells Jessie how much he misses her.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about a navigation flight over Ireland and Scotland, his exams and a social evening with soldiers, sailors and airmen.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about buying a frame for her photograph, going to the cinema, starting to learn to play golf, plotting and an aborted training flight to Ireland.

The back of the envelope has been…

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes that he has passed his exam, about hearing of a friend who has been killed and how keen he is to have leave to see her.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He asks about home life and is awaiting the results of his exam.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie. Harry writes about his recent examination marks, an engine failure on a training flight and several trips to the cinema.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about practising navigation in a Fokker, taking his navigation exams and thanks her for the photo which has just arrived.

A letter from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about sending her more money and about turbulence on training flights over hilly country.

Letter from Harry to his wife Jessie. He describes one of his training flights, what would happen if he failed his exams and meeting people from the Southend area. Jessie has sent him a scarf and he is sending her a jumper with a tam o shanter hat…

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about training and reminds her of bringing back kippers from Blackpool on their honeymoon.

A letter, envelope and two-page typed document from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes about training including two bumpy flights in a Fokker. He encloses a photo taken in the snow and his mathematical paper from the Air Observer School.

A letter and envelope from Harry to his wife Jessie. He writes in great detail about his day's leave in Glasgow.
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