Browse Items (15 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-04-27"

From Iga, after her liberation from the prisoner of war camp, telling of her friendship with John and asking for news of him.

Engineer log completed by David Sanders for a sortie in Lancaster NG266 on 27 April 1945.

Describes early life, joining the RAF, training and joining 10 Squadron as mid-upper gunner on Halifax. Was shot down during operation to Munich on 6/7 September 1943. After evading was capture and prisoner of war until April 1945. Goes…

Form for aircraft NG226 'J' for 27-4-45 with pilot Flying Officer Carter and flight engineer David Sanders.

Thanks her for letters but says there had been little to write about his end and he was cheesed of with hanging about. Reports doing his first operation for seven weeks, it was an easy one but was hit by anti-aircraft fire. Talks a little of his new…

Shows routes on bombing operations (red), journeys by train (green), prison camps, routes walked, shot down, captured. Notes dates liberated and returned to England.

Two flights over three days, from Cairo West to Habbaniya and then on to Bahrain and then to Karachi in a 96 Squadron Dakota.

Men have surrounded a house and captured two German soldiers. Guns are pointed at the surrendering men, who have their arms held up. In the doorway of a house, one of the soldiers is being searched. The partisans are wearing mainly everyday clothes…

Recounts details of operation and being attacked by Me 109s which were driven off and then by a Ju 88 which set them on fire. Bombs jettisoned and he baled out. Continues with account of evading and attempt to reach Switzerland. Describes capture and…

Gives itinerary of journey from being shot down, captured, and various prisoner of war camps (Dulag Luft, Stalag Luft 6, Stalag 357 and 355) and eventual repatriation.

First informs that name of her son W/O L P Jenkinson was included on a list of prisoners of war who were liberated by the allies. Second states repatriated as soon as possible, last 'leave Birmingham 1.29 today' signed Philip.

Written for Cornish aviation society. Welcomes Philip Jenkinson and gives account of his training and operations on 10 Squadron Halifax. Describes being shot down and baling out. Mentions evading, capture and as a prisoner being on a tour of his…
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