Browse Items (164 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1945-08"

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- Letter from War Office dated 10 August 1945, to William Burkitt's mother, confirming to her that he had been buried in a cemetery near Brussels.

- A letter from the Air Ministry dated 6 April 1948, forwarded with two…

Oblique aerial view of Lincoln Cathedral. On the reverse 'Leica Neg album P10 No ISA 28.8.45 1/300 f5.6'.

The signing of the agreement to end the war with Japan. Seven allied officers and two Japanese are visible on the remains of this photograph. On the reverse 'Lt Gen Browning signing the 'agreement' at Rangoon Aug 1945'.

Informs her that no further news news concerning him or any member of his crew had been received. Informs her that RAF missing research and enquiry service would be established to pursue enquiries for all RAF personnel reported missing.

Thanks him for his letter and glad he enjoyed weekend with his family. Apologises about previous letter but says she is feeling more cheerful now. Mentions that it has been arranged that daughter goes to Devon on 31st August for a week. Enquires…

Writes of her daily activities and that weather had prevented some plans. Mentions seeing advertisement for rug for bedroom and asks for his views. Continues with domestic gossip mentions an article in "Housewife" about man taking up violin when over…

Thanks him for letter and apologises over her attitude about his knees and mentions that other doctor says it ought to be curable with infra-red. Continues with local news about a fine supper, of her other daily activities including cycling to…

Writes of recent letters and phone call. Discusses his osteoarthritis and possible future treatment, Continues with news of friends and family and mentions some items she is sending him. Writes of financial issue about his firms allowances and other…

Encloses padlock and ask if he has any washing for her to do.

Reports no letters from him and mentions good weather. Wonders what to clothes bring when she visits him in Loughborough. Concludes with her plans for the afternoon.

Reports arrival of three letters and looks forward to activities in their upcoming weekend. She answers his queries in his letters about her bike and her sister. Mentions forwarding a letter from his father and her letter writing schedule. Continues…

Thanks him for his letter and comments on his recent activities. Continues with account of counselling meeting with estranged couple and meeting other ladies with matrimonial problems.

Writes of journey home and her activities. Notes house is empty without him and hopes VJ day will be soon. Hope that the MO will take account of ailments and comments on other treatments.

Enquires about his return journey and writes of her activities including gardening, working on SSAFA correspondence and arrival of box of eggs. Continues with more chat of her activities and news of friends and family. Concludes with mention of…

Writes that she is depressed over his latest news and laments over fact she and daughter will not see him for nearly a month. Continues with other domestic chat but states disbelief on news that he will not recover use of his knees. Concludes saying…

Jack writes he has arrived safely and describes his journey.

Jack writes thanking her for her letter. He might be getting a 48 hour pass and he discusses how they could meet in London.

From Elizabeth Kirby reminiscing and offering condolence.

Notifies him that he is moved on long term detachment to A V Roe at Chadderton. Covers some financial issues and action he needs to take if he was registered under national services (armed forces) act.

From Jack Nixon in Canada expresses his thanks for David's kindness when he was missing. Wishes he could have visited the squadron when he returned to England but time did not permit. Mentions trip home and contact with other squadron member. Writes…

Written from HQ 14th Army, South East Asia Command where he is now a Captain. Congratulates David on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order and offers banter about his medals. Writes of recent leave and complain of action by Royal Air Force…

Thanks David for sending good wished on his award. Describes current activities at Little Horwood. Congratulates David on the award of bar to Distinguished Service Order. Comments that he is sorry that 192 Squadron is close to dissolution.

Congratulates David on Distinguished Service Order and Al Roach on award of Distinguished Flying Cross. From the ex adjutant of 192 Squadron serving now in 231 Group, S.E.A.A.F.

Humorous requests permission to go to Wales. Signed Thomas the Bomb. Approved by Wing Commander Donaldson 192 Squadron. Stamped 'Historic Document No __ permanent preservation, transfer to air ministry (A.H.B.) custody when closed'.

Congratulates him on award of bar to Distinguished Service Order and catches up with his own activities.
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