Letter to David Donaldson from J Nixon
Letter to David Donaldson from J Nixon
From Jack Nixon in Canada expresses his thanks for David's kindness when he was missing. Wishes he could have visited the squadron when he returned to England but time did not permit. Mentions trip home and contact with other squadron member. Writes he misses squadron and England. Mentions reporting to Toronto in six weeks for discharge. Sends best regards.
Temporal Coverage
Three page handwritten letter and envelope
This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ and https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/legal.
[postage stamp]
W/C Donaldson.
O.C. 192 Sqdn.
RAF Station,
Foulsham, Norfolk,
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F/Lt Nixon JE.
514 Edward St.
Woodstock Ont
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Woodstock Ont.
Aug 27./45.
Dear Sir:
Just a short note in which I wish to express my sincere thanks to you for your kindness while I was missing. I realize that this letter should have been written long ago and I am asking you for your forgiveness in being late as usual.
I should have liked, very much, to have been able to spend a couple of days on the squadron when I returned to England, but time didn't permit.
We had a most enjoyable trip home ending in a very rousing welcome. Aboard ship I met Syd Perkins and Morgan, S/L Foye's [?] Bomb Aimer so I was able to
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get “gen” about the squadron from them.
The only other member of the crew whom I have seen since the night that we got the chop is W/O Young who came through from Odessa with me. However I talked to Irvine for a few minutes on the 'phone about three weeks ago.
How are things on the squadron now? I certainly miss squadron life and England in general. I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Right now I am on six weeks leave and report to Toronto on Sept 1. when I hope to be discharged.
Please give my best regards to S/L. Kendrick and the rest of the chaps I had the pleasure of serving with.
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I will bring this to a close by wishing you and all the very best of luck and good health.
Jack Nixon
[postage stamp]
W/C Donaldson.
O.C. 192 Sqdn.
RAF Station,
Foulsham, Norfolk,
[page break]
F/Lt Nixon JE.
514 Edward St.
Woodstock Ont
[page break]
Woodstock Ont.
Aug 27./45.
Dear Sir:
Just a short note in which I wish to express my sincere thanks to you for your kindness while I was missing. I realize that this letter should have been written long ago and I am asking you for your forgiveness in being late as usual.
I should have liked, very much, to have been able to spend a couple of days on the squadron when I returned to England, but time didn't permit.
We had a most enjoyable trip home ending in a very rousing welcome. Aboard ship I met Syd Perkins and Morgan, S/L Foye's [?] Bomb Aimer so I was able to
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get “gen” about the squadron from them.
The only other member of the crew whom I have seen since the night that we got the chop is W/O Young who came through from Odessa with me. However I talked to Irvine for a few minutes on the 'phone about three weeks ago.
How are things on the squadron now? I certainly miss squadron life and England in general. I wouldn't have missed it for anything. Right now I am on six weeks leave and report to Toronto on Sept 1. when I hope to be discharged.
Please give my best regards to S/L. Kendrick and the rest of the chaps I had the pleasure of serving with.
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I will bring this to a close by wishing you and all the very best of luck and good health.
Jack Nixon
J Nixon, “Letter to David Donaldson from J Nixon,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 10, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/15033.
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