Letter to Jack Darby's Wife
Letter to Jack Darby's Wife
Jack writes thanking her for her letter. He might be getting a 48 hour pass and he discusses how they could meet in London.
Temporal Coverage
Two handwritten sheets and an envelope
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EDarbyCAHDarbyJ450823-0001, EDarbyCAHDarbyJ450823-0002, EDarbyCAHDarbyJ450823-0003
[postmark] [postage stamp]
[inserted] 23-8-45. [/inserted]
Mrs Darby,
7, Queens Drive
[page break]
F/O C. Darby, 154676.
No 2 Officers Mess RAF Station
Nr Selby
My darling,
Just a few lines to thank you for your letter received Tuesday and also to say that I doubt if we shall get a 48 hour pass this weekend as we have been detailed for the [deleted letters] Station Commanders parade on Saturday morning, anyway we should be able to get away about 12 o/c so we shall be home about 7 o/c, I will come up to Queens Drive if you like or you can meet me and go on to Claygate, in any case I shall probably ring you [deleted] at [/deleted] from Waterloo if I can get through.
When you mentioned in your letter that you were thinking of
[page break]
of me at 12 o/c, at that time I was still in the train at Kings Cross so the train left 17 minutes later.
We have’nt been doing much here, have played cricket once, been to the pictures and today should have gone farming but we got down there and the farmer wanted us to pick peas at 2/- a bag of 40 lbs so we decided the N.C.O.s needed the money more than us, ([indecipherable word)] anyhow it would have cost me more than that for [indecipherable word] to [indecipherable word] on my back.
I hope to ring you up tonight but if I can't get through I'll know you have some idea what is happening when you receive this letter.
Well, cheerio darling, am looking forward very much to the weekend, take care of yourself,
All my love darling
your loving husband
[inserted] 23-8-45. [/inserted]
Mrs Darby,
7, Queens Drive
[page break]
F/O C. Darby, 154676.
No 2 Officers Mess RAF Station
Nr Selby
My darling,
Just a few lines to thank you for your letter received Tuesday and also to say that I doubt if we shall get a 48 hour pass this weekend as we have been detailed for the [deleted letters] Station Commanders parade on Saturday morning, anyway we should be able to get away about 12 o/c so we shall be home about 7 o/c, I will come up to Queens Drive if you like or you can meet me and go on to Claygate, in any case I shall probably ring you [deleted] at [/deleted] from Waterloo if I can get through.
When you mentioned in your letter that you were thinking of
[page break]
of me at 12 o/c, at that time I was still in the train at Kings Cross so the train left 17 minutes later.
We have’nt been doing much here, have played cricket once, been to the pictures and today should have gone farming but we got down there and the farmer wanted us to pick peas at 2/- a bag of 40 lbs so we decided the N.C.O.s needed the money more than us, ([indecipherable word)] anyhow it would have cost me more than that for [indecipherable word] to [indecipherable word] on my back.
I hope to ring you up tonight but if I can't get through I'll know you have some idea what is happening when you receive this letter.
Well, cheerio darling, am looking forward very much to the weekend, take care of yourself,
All my love darling
your loving husband
Jack Darby, “Letter to Jack Darby's Wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 13, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/39536.
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