Browse Items (275 total)

  • Temporal Coverage starts with "1942-08"

Thanks her for letter and comments on how lucky she is to have his brother as husband. Mentions he would be leaving current location soon and has only a little night flying to finish. Writes he will be happy to get home as he has been away so long.…


Sends greetings on their wedding anniversary, cable to follow. Reports arrival of mail but no parcels, still hoping. Mentions strong wind blowing and that it has been hot for several days. Reports on books read and discusses some content. Relates…

Reports arrival of letters and telegram to which he is sending reply. Outlines changes to telegram system. Notes they have dispatched another parcel but is still awaiting arrival of the first ones. Describes recent weather with thunderstorm and…

Lists recent letters arrived and pleased that they had dispatch another parcel to him via the Red Cross. Discusses content of their letters praising their faith and courage. Provides considerable discussion about books in general. Mentions running a…

List latest mail and was pleased to get details of the letters they had received from him. Writes that someone has lost the negatives of the photographs in the camp newspaper and the only way they can be recovered is from an internees mother who had…

Reports arrival of latest mail and of first Red Cross parcel from them full of very useful things. Lists contents and mentions some items added by Red Cross. Glad they had dispatched second parcel and discusses footwear sizes. Catches up with mail…

Catches up with mail received both ends. Writes of cables sent and received including problems with some and costs. Catches up with news from home and mentions camp numbers will be trebled in the next few days. Thanks them for the trouble they are…

Writes that he has been busy helping new people to get settled. Mentions camp newspaper would now be impractical for some time. However they had found the negatives of photographs they took of the paper from which he has ordered some prints which he…

Catches up with mail received. Mentions the worst of the heat of summer was over but is was still hotter than when they arrived two years ago. Contrasts weather at home and in North Africa and how he might be affected on return to England. Mentions…

Writes of telegram he sent for father's birthday. Had nor received any letters or reply to cable. Mentions changes in camp numbers over the last months, now too large for comfort. Says his own situation is better than most NCOs as they are occupying…

Reports arrival of a number of her letters and mentions that Egyptian food parcels were coming through regularly. Writes that he had had two clothing parcels and discussing post routing. Mentions two book parcels. Explains recent incorrect…

Writes that no letters had arrived and wondered what she thought about him taking up farming after the war. Writes of potential future plans. Is keeping well and parcels arriving regularly. Catches up with family news.

Dave warns his fiancée, Betty, that he had to change station again. The journey was long and tiring. It is located near the town of Assiniboia from which the station takes its name. He concludes with affection for Betty.

He apologises for not meeting her, explains he has not been out much and has a sore tooth, he is going to a 'posh' dance, asks about Stanley and sympathises with Robbie.


Wishes her happy birthday, no news of next leave. Is now ready to leave West Freugh with its eternal training. - the Operational Training Unit must be better. Notes Scottish band passing by 'they are for ever making no end of a wild din dancing…

Bill catches up with family news and comments on the wet weather. States food is now better, although not as when first improved. Catches up with more news of farm and friends as well as family fund-raising for dinghies. Outlines what they do for…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Bill thanks her for her parcel and letter. Shocked by story of bombs jettisoned by friendly aircraft but shouldn't judge until know the facts. Worried about Lancaster base being so close to home ('Those Lancasters and the drome are a menace').…

Bill hopes harvest is going well and complains about food in the camp.

He gives a vivid description of dinghy drill, which was very funny to watch, but got on well with his own swimming and went on to Girvan where he describes what they did on…

Catches up with news and tells his mother not to worry about him.

Bill is interested to hear about the 'fellows in the caravan', who seem to be conscientious objectors. Says he has sympathy for people with genuine objections and has talked with…

Catches up with news and apologises for not visiting while on leave.

Bill says he enjoyed his last leave, although he mentions that the nearby aerodrome is expanding and aircraft going overhead. He did, however, managed to get a trip in an…

Alan still has not heard from his parents. He asks after Basil. He lists some items to be sent to him.

Alan still has not heard from his parents. he is worried about his car and his belongings. He asks about family and friends at home.

Leonard William Fairbanks' log book covering two tours from 3 January 1941 to 15 April 1945, detailing his training schedule and operations flown. Training was undertaken at Air Gunnery School at RAF Stormy Down, 25 OTU RAF Finningley, 25 OTU RAF…

A wall runs from bottom left to top right with buildings and palm trees to the left and above. To the right centre a fortification. On the reverse addressed to Mr and Mrs H E Hudson writing that he is delighted to have received cross parcel and about…
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