Browse Items (447 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Australia"

Letter from Mrs I.M. King to Joan Wareing about her son who is also missing. She writes thanking Mrs Wareing for her kindness to her son during his stay with her and her husband. She hopes the sacrifices they are making will not be in vain and prays…

Writes thanking her for her letter which she received a few days before she heard the news about her own husband, Bob, and assumes Joan has had the same news about her husband. She hopes everything will turn out alright in the end for both of them…

The letter accompanies Jim's Certificate of Service and Discharge.


Jim was awarded a 1939-45 Star, an Aircrew Europe Star, a Defence Medal and a War Medal, 1939-45.


The letter explains the Society's activities, accounts, objects, committee members, awards, donations, financial statement, correspondence and creation of sub-branches.

Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala in South Australia. Writes about current posting and a recent journey when he tried to contact the Malcolm Payne's parent to deliver parcel. He also describes daily routine at his new…

Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala writes about mutual friends and difficulty of journeying to see Malcolm Payne's parent due to lack of petrol. Mentions that he has put in for discharge.

A letter written by Reg Mullins to Don Cochrane. There is a discussion on wartime colleagues and getting married. Reg is a co-pilot on Lancastrians but misses his time in the RAF.

Written at sea. Starts with some humorous banter. Mentions that the first thing he will get when they settle and but a house is a dog. Writes story of obtaining a snakeskin in Brisbane and that he will be up all night going through the strait where…


Informing her that as her husband is reported missing as a result of air operations on 19 July 1944, his motor car could not be easily stored or returned to Australia. It would be kept for three months and then sold and proceeds held on his behalf.…

Letter of appreciation for his service from Air Force Board of the Royal Australian Air Force. At the bottom a Caterpillar club certificate of membership made out to F/O D V Kelly.

Writes that that Pat Hogan was with the Lady Ryder's overseas forces committee. He was with friends and reported that they were looking well and that he would write a line to parents and wives as it was nice to know independently that they are OK.

Covering remainder of letter containing data on batch 3.

The letter hopes he and his new wife are well. She asks if he will see a friend of hers who is coming to London for University.
On the address page is written 'Please forward to your son'.

Letter of appreciation for P J Hogan's service with the Royal Australian Air Force from the Air Member for Personnel

Writes he is still waiting to return to unit. Catches up with mail to and from and writes of religious matters. Asks about father's health and continues with more religious discussion. Explains about camp and camp hospitals with explanation of how…


Apologises for not writing sooner and describes activities as reasons. Describes recent leave activities. Complains about Yorkshire but says he is pleased to be on Halifax. Mentions mass every Sunday and acting as permanent altar boy. Comments on…

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Sends birthday wished to her and Eileen and says he could not afford much of presents. Describes a little of his his current situation and provides some gossip,

Catches up with recent mail and mentions that many colleagues have not had much mail. Catches up on her activities at home and mentions shows he had seen. Says he had a small celebration recently.

Says that things are going along fine but doing a bit more work and finds it interesting. Mentions seeing 'Blythe Spirit' and comments on surface mail. Poor photocopy cannot with start too faint to read.

Mentions arrival of her mail and that he should have written earlier. Writes that he has been busy night flying long hours and preparation takes a long time as well. In addition he finds it difficult to sleep during the day. Catches up with news from…

Thanks her for the pen she sent but noted that the ink had leaked while in transit due to altitude. Catches up with news from home mentioning drought and bush fires. Mentions that rest of crew had gone into town and commented on his ground course.…

Writes of his panned activity to initiate their new English flight engineer into their Australian crew. Discusses best ways to send mail. Mentions other mail received and current weather. Writes of conditions on his station and that they were keen…

Discusses gossip and politics. Much of the letter is damaged and unreadable

Reports arrival of very welcome cakes. Asks after friends and family and writes of future plans to visit Dorset with engineer. Mentions listening to radio for home news and and other domestic financial matters. says he owes other friends/family…


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