Browse Items (34 total)

  • Publisher is exactly "No 1 Officers Advanced training school "

Covers introduction to air force law, arrest general, arrest - who can order, arrest of officer, open arrest - no escort, arrest of W.O. or N.C.O., arrest of aircraftsman, arrest of W.A.A.F. personnel, airman's possible loss of pay when in close…

Covers introduction and selection of serving airmen. Followed by section on promotion of aircrew including cases for normal, special, pathfinding and captain of aircraft. Then section on commissioning of aircrew with sections on general principles,…

Covers introduction, dual aspect, stations of two main types, station structure, specialised services, non-operational stations, control of stations in operational commands, bomber, fighter command, 2nd T.A.F., coastal, amendments and questions.

Covers introduction, mobile squadrons, responsibility, control, personnel, efficiency and the days work.

Gives details of release scheme of RAF personnel. Covers fairness, classes of release, categories not to be classified, postponement of release, clothing, post war credits and war gratuities.

Covers aim, planned flying, method of planning, planned servicing, example. establishment, the pool, measurement of efficiency, the most economical gang, centralised servicing, training - servicing wing organisation, strategic 'S' wing organisation…

Covers progress of work, student lectures, postal address, dress, reporting sick, leave, flying, library, church services, mess rules, mess facilities, registered mail, sports and entertainment.

Policy for good conduct badges including airmen with clean sheet, service entries, V.G time, procedure for awards and miscellaneous points.

Covers introduction, responsibilities of a commander, structure of a headquarters staff, the policy staff, control of a branch, coordination of staff work, organisation of the air branch, the plans section, the operations section, the intelligence…
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