Browse Items (1021 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Royal Australian Air Force"

A vertical aerial photographs of Pauillac. Cloud and smoke obscures about half of the image. There is a small ship floating on the river. Captioned '5769 BIN 4-8-44 //8 8000' [arrow] 110° 1803 Paulliac. Li. 9x1000 3x500 c 23 secs F/O Lester. N 460'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Pauillac. At the top an industrial area is on fire with much smoke and bomb craters visible. In the river a ship is lying on its side. Captioned '5789 BIN 5-8-44 //8 8000' [arrow] 110° 1907 Paulliac Li 9x1000 3x500 c…

Vertical aerial photograph of Douai. In the lower half the centre of the town is visible but above that cloud and explosions obscure much of the rest. Captioned '5854 BIN 11-8-44 //8 16000' [arrow] 350° 1624 1/2 Douai Li…

Vertical aerial photograph of the bombing of Volkel airfield. The right hand side, centre of the image is obscured by bomb explosions and smoke. Captioned '5921. BIN 15-8-44 //8 16000' [arrow] 097° 1203 1/2 Volkel Li 13x1000 4x500 c 32 secs F/O…

Vertical aerial photograph of Raimbert V-2 storage site. The bottom right of the image is obscured by cloud.
Captioned '6051 Bin. 31-8-44//8" 8,800'

Vertical aerial photograph of Sangatte. A road and trenches run from top to bottom and there are many bomb craters. A stick of bombs can be seen falling from the aircraft. Captioned '6201 BIN [undecipherable] 9-44 //8 /500'

Vertical aerial photograph of Calais. Craters and bomb explosions are visible but no detail apart from a road junction and the coastline. 'Captioned '6262 BIN 27-9-44 //8 4000' [arrow] 142° 0912 Calais w. 13x1000. 4x500 c.19 secs. F/O Lester N 460'.

Vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre. The left side of the image (the port area) is obscured by bomb explosions. Several ships are aground on the beach. Captioned 'BIN 5-8-44 //8 12000' [arrow] 150 1841 Le Havre Li 13x1000 4x500 c5secs F/O Lester N…

Vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre. Much of the centre of the photograph is obscured by explosions and smoke.
Captioned 'Captioned 'BIN 5-8-44 //8 12000' [arrow] 150 1841 Le Havre Li 13x1000 4x500 c5secs F/O Lester N 460'.

Vertical aerial photograph of the dock area at Le Havre. The right side of the image is obscured by cloud or smoke. Captioned 'BIN 5-8-44 //8 12000' [arrow] 150 1841 Le Havre Li 13x1000 4x500 c5secs F/O Lester N 460'.

Vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre showing end of breakwater around dock area. Numerous bomb craters visible throughout together with damaged or destroyed dockside buildings. Warship in dock lower right. Rectangular structure to top left of…

Vertical aerial photograph of Emmerich. The Rhine is at the top left. Some smoke and explosions are visible next to the Rhine River.
Captioned '6348 [undecipherable] 1000 [undecipherable] Emmerich [undecipherable] L460'.

Vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre. There are large numbers of bomb craters and smoke and explosions. Captioned '6106 BIN 10-9-44 //8 10000' [arrow] 115° 1840 Le Havre X 13x1000 4x500 c 24 secs F/O Lester L 460'.

Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala in South Australia. Writes about current posting and a recent journey when he tried to contact the Malcolm Payne's parent to deliver parcel. He also describes daily routine at his new…

Part of letter from Corporal Alan T Edwards at RAAF Mallala writes about mutual friends and difficulty of journeying to see Malcolm Payne's parent due to lack of petrol. Mentions that he has put in for discharge.

Lancaster JO-P taking off. The photograph has been censored where the H2S and Monica aerials are.

Large group of personnel (one holding a dog) waving with Lancasters in the distance.

Note to Doris Weeks enclosing thank you card for the expressions of sympathy and two newspaper cuttings detailing the death of Flight Sergeant Malcolm Payne

Letter from Flight Sergeant Malcolm Payne. He writes of his frustration at cancelled operations.

In foreground, large bomb on its trolley, standing behind seven aircrew in flying clothing, Lancaster in background.

Two aircrew officers, one with pilots brevet other with half wing, full length, in uniform, standing on steps in front of ornate entrance to large brick building.

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Notifies Doris Weeks that Malcolm Payne's next of kin have nominated her to take possession of his bicycle. It might be some time before it arrives due to transport diffuculties.

Reference Aus,417512 Flight Sergeant Payne M H advising due to long time and absence of news that he be presumed dead for official purposes as of 30 June 1944.

Note advising her that Flight Sergeant Payne M H and members of his crew are buried in the local cemetery of Court L'Eveque.

Advising her that information had been received from the Municipal Councillor of Arc En Barrios about the crash of Malcolm Payne's aircraft on 13 July 1944 and the burial of seven crew in the local cemetery at Court L'Eveque. News had been passed to…
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