Browse Items (45 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Babs Nichols"

Two receipts for classified documents, an envelope marked secret and a handwritten annotation.

Six items, Edward's description of the operation to the railway centre, commenting on the thunderstorms encountered, his navigation plot, the expected H2S plot of the target with their track marked, a press cutting captioned 'Wrecked locomotives at…

Confirms son is prisoner of war in Germany

A telegram advising Allan Smith's father that he is missing.

Informs her that her husband Flying Officer Kenneth Gill DFC was missing as a result of air operations on 21 March.

Notes written by Malcolm Staves during his training as a wireless operator.

A group of ice hockey players arranged in two rows. Each individual is named in the caption, including Gerry Philbin.


Programme produced by HQ Bomber Command, High Wycombe, Amateur Dramatic Society. as well as details of the production it also contains advertisements for local suppliers.

Two postcards written by John to his parents. He explains he has been in hospital with a broken ankle.

First page is missing. Page two, blank page and page three present. Writes of person stuck in isolated location and continues gossip concerning the same individual. Catches up with news of friend and family.

Three items, Edward's brief description of the operation, his navigation plot and a press cutting with the caption 'Allies invade France', which describes some of the air activity in support of D Day.

Notes on history of use of aircraft mentioning mail, locating shoals of herring, air surveys, air taxi services, air ambulance,. Mentions routes taken by cargo boats. Experiments with small planes in Iceland. Mentions strategic importance of Iceland,…

Contains notes and diagrams on fuel tanks, control settings, aircraft engine systems, ignition, cooling systems, layout of Merlin and other flight data.

From under secretary of state for air to Mr A Adder forwarding photographs of cross marking grave of 175073 Pilot Officer Mervyn Adder.

Article describing attack on Leuna synthetic oil plant and subsequent nights operations on three other targets. This was the fourth successive night attacks by the RAF on Germany.

Notes written by Malcolm Staves as part of his wireless operators training course. Captioned 'Bags of Gen' on the cover.

A notebook used by Malcolm Staves for recording his training notes on Wireless.

One-page letter from Harry Redgrave to Jessie advising her that he has arrived in Westcliff and describes his billet.

Learned with regret that his son was missing and writes concerning his son's voluntary allotment from his RSF pay and what was need for him to continue receiving payments.

Writes that she is sending him some pears and engages in some banter.

Congratulates him on award and comments about daughter Frances. Catches up with family holiday news.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Wishes her happy birthday. Explains he did not write the previous day as he had a long flight (11 hours 15 minutes) and was very tired. Catches up with mail received and family gossip and other matters. Mention future plans and that his commission…

Writes that he did not have too bad a trip recently despite poor weather. Mentions that their new aircraft was quite good and now had new same nose art as previously. Catches up with news of friends/family. Mentions a friend who had gone missing on…

Letter from Air Ministry returning his log book to M A Niman together with a piece of War Medal ribbon.

Allegorical story telling story of an operation in terms of knights of medieval Kingdom of Avalon setting out and riding to battle in the land of the Huns and city of Burlyne. Tells story of operation including wounding of crew and return flight.…
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