Malcolm Staves' Notebook on Wireless Transmitters and Receivers



Malcolm Staves' Notebook on Wireless Transmitters and Receivers
Rough Notebook for use in Laboratories and Workshops


Notes written by Malcolm Staves as part of his wireless operators training course. Captioned 'Bags of Gen' on the cover.





One notebook with handwritten annotations


This content is available under a CC BY-NC 4.0 International license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). It has been published ‘as is’ and may contain inaccuracies or culturally inappropriate references that do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the University of Lincoln or the International Bomber Command Centre. For more information, visit and





1591418. SGT. STAVES. M.E.

Course [underlined] 359 [/underlined] 86

[underlined] "Bags of GEN." [/underlined] Form 714.


Rough Notebook for use in Laboratories

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[underlined] Requirements of Aircraft Transmitters. [/underlined]
1./ Stable Frequency Output.
2./ Adequate Power Output to Weight Ratio.
3./ Wide Frequency Coverage.
4./ Capable to Txmitting C.W. M.C.W. and R.T.
5./ Simple Tuning.
6./ Power Supplies to be drawn from A/C Supply.
7./ Accessability [sic] for Fault Rectification.

[underlined] Types of Transmitters. [/underlined]
1/. Simple Tx
2/. MO. and PA Tx
3/. Crystal Controlled.

[underlined] Disadvantages [/underlined] of 1. Frequency Instability and Low Power.

[underlined] Precautions taken with M.O. to ensure Stable Frequency. [/underlined]
1./ Screening of M.O.
2./ Valve Heaters on all the time.
3./ Use of I.D.H. Valve.
4./ Power Supplies are kept constant.
5./ Components are rigidly mounted.

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[underlined] 2. Valve Tx [/underlined]

MO STAGE [underlined] PA STAGE [/underlined]

[technical diagrams]

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[underlined] T.1154. [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] MO [/underlined] to set up the freq of the Tx. Tuned to whatever oscillation is required.
[underlined] PA. [/underlined] Oscillations from the MO are amplified and then passed to the AE.
No neutralising condensor [sic] required in 1154 because the Pentode prevents any feed back to the screen grids

[underlined] Mag Feed [/underlined] - measures input to the PA Anodes only
When PA is in resonance with M.O. lowest input because maximum impedance - smaller current.
[underlined] MOD. [/underlined] [deleted word] [symbol] [underlined] TUNE and CW. [/underlined]
Just a circuit oscillating when key is pressed at 1200 cps to enable Wop to hear own signals.
[underlined] On R/T. [/underlined] Amplifier for the mike voltages (Key Down).

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[underlined] Keying Relay [/underlined]
63v connected through the Key to the Relay.
[underlined] Key Up on Any [/underlined] position of Master Switch [symbol] 63v fed to Coil A. Relay switched over to Receive position.

[underlined] Key Pressed [/underlined] Coil B is energised which cuts out Coil A. Coil C. is also energised which switches relay over to transmit.

[technical diagram]

[underlined] Key Up on Rx Position [/underlined] Phones & AE's are connected to the Rx. 225v negative bias on M.O. and P.A. control grids.
[underlined] Key PRESSED. [/underlined]
[underlined] On Transmit Position. [/underlined] Telephones to side-tone circuit Heavy Bias is removed. AE's are connected to the Tx. Rx AE connections are earthed.

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[underlined] KEYING RELAY [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] TRANSMIT [/underlined] [underlined] RECEIVE [/underlined]

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[underlined] Master Switch [/underlined] [underlined] TI154 [/underlined]
see other Book

[underlined] MCW [/underlined] [underlined] Key Up [/underlined] As for Tune except that modulation output applied to PA Suppressor Grids

[underlined] Key Down [/underlined] as for tune, except that carrier wave modulated at 1200 cps

[underlined] R/T [/underlined] [underlined] Key Up [/underlined] As for MCW except that modulator stops oscillating. Mike circuit connected between Grid and Cathode of modulator Valve (VIA A1134 if Elect/mag Mike.
[underlined] Key Down [/underlined] As for MCW except that carrier wave now modulated at speech frequency
[underlined] Frequency Range Switch [/underlined] 3 position 2 section switch by means of which appropriate circuit components and aerials are selected
1/ Light contacts for MO components.
2/ Heavy contacts for PA components and AE's

[underlined] MO Tuning All Ranges [/underlined]
1/. Fixed inductances and variable condensors [sic].
2/. Click Stop mechanism for use with pre set frequencies
3/. [indecipherable word] fine tuning control for use with set click stops. Gives variation of .1% either side of set freq

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[underlined] PA [/underlined] [underlined] Red & Blue Ranges [/underlined]
1/. Tuning Condensors [sic]
[deleted number] Variable Condensor [sic] and inductance. Part of inductance shorted out to cover high frequencies
2// Aerial Tapping Switches.
9 taps on aerial inductance. Adjusted in conjunction with tuning condensor [sic] until mag feed reads 65m/a. (Point of Max Efficiency).

[underlined] Yellow Range [/underlined]
1/. Aerial Tap Switches.
[underlined] Aerial Course Tuning. [/underlined] 17 taps on inductance (Conductor is Aerial/Earth Capacity)
[underlined] Fine Tuning [/underlined] Iron Dust core sliding in and out of inductance
[underlined] Anode Tuning [/underlined] 17 taps on inductance
Adjusted in conjunction with fine tuning until mag feed reads 65 ma.

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[underlined] POWER SUPPLIES [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

C R. in Type 52. 3 in circuit when EDG not running. 24v to 18v
all 6 in circuit when EDG not running 28v to 18v

[underlined] LONGDEX RELAY [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

Emergency procedure. In the event of the fracture of the Res. Type 52. The action to be taken is as follows (1) Remove Longlex R. Fuse. (If the trouble is not cured then Res 1, 2 & 3 are at fault) (2) If so insert special emergency fuse (shorts out either part or whole of the resistance)

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[underlined] Tx Plugs A B C D & E [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

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[underlined] R3090 [/underlined]

[underlined] DETONATOR CIRCUIT [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

Detonator is inserted when going within 75 miles of the enemy, [underlined] enemy occupied or [/underlined] neutral territory.
Detonate the R3090 whenever in danger of forced landing in enemy, enemy occ or neutral territory [underlined] excluding S. Ireland. [/underlined]

[underlined] Testing Det Circuit [/underlined]
Connect det plug into dummy T Block and bulb should light.

If NAV warning lights are showing the GRAV Switch is tripped. If the LIVE-SAFE switch is put to LIVE the Det will explode.
The NAV should tell WOP to reset GRAV Switch

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[underlined] IFF AREAS. [/underlined]

[map diagram]

[underlined] KEY [/underlined]

B C [symbol] 100 miles of Great Britain

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[underlined] IFF Det Circuit in Stirling [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

When to use IFF
1/ When in E or Distress
2/ Dinghy Sighting
3/ When being fired on by Ack Ack.

[underlined] IFF Areas [/underlined]

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[underlined] TR 1196 [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] RX [/underlined]
V1/ Pentode VR53
V3 Pentode VR53
V4 Pentode VR56
V5 Pentode VR56
V6 D.D.T. VR55

V1 Pentode VR91
V2 Tetrode VT502
V3 Pentode VT52


[technical diagram]

[underlined] FAULTS [/underlined]

Valves which can be changed with R1155
VR57 for a VR99
VR53 for a VR100
VR56 for a VR 100
VR 55 for a VR101

If no signals or weak signals pull out crystals of range working on and plop is heard if V1 is u/s. If OK wet finger

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and place on top of each valve and plop is heard if that valve is u/s.

If controller electric or cable is broken take off the middle cover (relays) and use finger to push the Lower Relay contact and MG will then start up.
Press Top Relay to put set to Tx position and for tuning.

Rx crystal is 460 K/cs above Tx crystal.

[underlined] Emergency Intercomm. [/underlined]

The last two valves in the 1196 can be used for i/c if the A1134 is u/s
1/ Switch off A1134
2/ 192 Panel to Emergency
3/ R1196 to Receive position
4/ Then switch on to channel not in use.
if on flight use "D" Channel
Only 5 prs of phones should be used.

RA Position on 1196. Tune for minimum background noise by turning RA volume control. (RA Listening Out position).

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[underlined] Homing on Visual Bg [/underlined]

Get beacon signal on Rx. Type J to D/F Meter Deflector on LOW. Balance needles. Turn loop to 0 & lock. [deleted word] Balance needles again & then switch to visual. (If any Port drift reduce loop reading If any Starboard drift add loop reading)
Balance needles at intervals & turn a/c to port when nearing Stn to check if needles still fall to right.

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[underlined] Simple receivers. [/underlined]

[underlined] Main Requirements of Aircraft Receivers. [/underlined]

1./ Selectivity
2./ Sensitivity
3/ Capable of reception of CW M.C.W. & RT on HF & MF band
4/. Simplicity of Tuning.
5/. Accessability [sic] for fault rectification.
6/ Must have high signal to noise ratio.
7/. Must be capable of uses as a D/F Rx.
[underlined] Types of Rx [/underlined]
1/. Simple straight Rx
2/. Super-sonic Heterodyne Rx

[technical diagram]

A good selective R.F.A. Stage prevents 2nd Channel Interference.
The lesser the value of the I.F the less Adjacent Channel Interference
[underlined] 2nd Channel I [/underlined]
5000 K/s
= IF of 500 K/s LO. of 5500 K/s would get I.F.
6000 K/s

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[underlined] Adjacent Channel I [/underlined]

4000 400 Percentage of interference bigger on 4000
4010 410

Lower the Inductance Higher the Frequency
Higher the Inductance Lower the Frequency
Lower Capacity Lower the Frequency
Increase Capacity Higher the Frequency

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[underlined] Rx 1155 & D/F [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[circled 561] Record harmonic
Beat F 280.5 [indecipherable word] with 560 [circle [indecipherable number]] beat note of 1 K/U
[underlined] AVC Part [/underlined] V6 to D of V7 and with switch up goes to VIS. IND.

[underlined] BFO [/underlined] To prevent frequency locking 280.5 wt 561
[symbol] Always a bias on V 456 of 3.6v -
13v + Delayed AVC. on the cathode of the D of V7. [symbol]

[underlined] Manual VC. [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

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[underlined] R.1155. [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] R1155 [/underlined]
[underlined] Master Switch [/underlined] 1/ [underlined] Omni [/underlined] Manual Control of V3, 4 5 & 6.
AVC or V10.
V1. & V2. Inoperative - no HT to screens
2/ [underlined] AVC [/underlined] Automatic control of V3, V4, 5, & V6
Manual control of Triode of V8.
V1. & V2 still inoperative.
AVC. on V10

[underlined] Main Tuning Control [/underlined] - 3 condensors [sic] ganged together with direct and slow motion above (100 to 1) tuning.
1/ RF Amplifier Grid Circuit (AE)
2/ F.C. Grid Circuit ( Hexode portion).
3/ F.C. RF oscillator (triode portion).

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[underlined] Volume Control [/underlined] - On Omni manual control of 1 & 4 valves.
On AVC manual control of V8.
[underlined] Het Switch [/underlined] Off. Breaks the HT to the triode of V7.
Het switch has no effect on AVC

[underlined] Het Adjustment. [/underlined] Small variable condensor [sic] giving 3 x/s variation to BF.O. frequency.
[underlined] TO ADJUST [/underlined] Tune in on 1500 to 600 K/s freq range to R/T stations. (Het switch off).
Tune correctly using magic eye [underlined] HET switch on. [/underlined] Adjust condensor [sic] until 1K/s note is heard. Increase freq on Rx If dead space on higher frequency note is correct. If on lower freq adjust condensor [sic].
[underlined] Filter Switch ON [/underlined] - Bypass all frequencies of 300cps and less to earth. Thus reducing local interference (On Output Stage)
Must be kept [underlined] off [/underlined] for R/T [underlined] except [/underlined]
[underlined] ON [/underlined] for Aerial D/F on R/T Stns to reduce switch speed noise.

[underlined] "Magic Eye" [/underlined] (All diagram in other book) Strong signal in Rx Heavy AVC bias small current flow through valve. Low voltage drop across R13 say control electrode nearer to target anode potential flow of electrons to target anode affected.
magic eye closes.
Weak Signal Reverse

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[underlined] D/F [/underlined]

[technical diagrams]

SIMPLIFIED D/F CIRCUIT [underlined] R.1155. [/underlined]

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[underlined] D/F CONTROLS [/underlined]

[underlined] Master Switch [/underlined] [underlined] Balance [/underlined] - HT to V1 and V2 screens.
Dummy Loop on circuit
Aerial connected to both sides of loop via V1 and V2
Visual Indication in circuit
Aerials selected by freq change switch disconnected.
HT supplied via interlock plug & Type "I" switch
Volume Control AVC
[underlined] Visual [/underlined] As for Balance except A/C loop in place of Dummy Loop.
[underlined] Figure 8. [/underlined] Visual Ind. out of circuit H.T. disconnected from V1 & V2 screens. Reconnected by means of Aerial Sense Switch Volume control as for Omni.

[underlined] METER BALANCE [/underlined]
Potentiometer to differentially vary HT to screens of V1 & V2. This compensates for any differences in cct. Resistance must [underlined] only [/underlined] be adjusted on [underlined] Balance pos [/underlined]

[underlined] METER AMPLITUDE [/underlined]

A potentiometer in common return lead from Vis Ind to provide a measure of manual control of the height of point of intersection of 2 needles.
(Back from V8 in opposition to V9).

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[underlined] METER DEFLECTION. [/underlined]
1/ [underlined] HIGH [/underlined] Part of FXD AE input is bypassed to earth via two condensors [sic] thus rendering loop more sensitive. Used for taking Bearings
2/ [underlined] LOW [/underlined] Full FXD Aerial input applied to loop rendering loop less sensitive. Used for Homing.

[underlined] SWITCH SPEED [/underlined]
High pos 80 CPS used for visual D/F on W/T signals
Low pos 30 cps used for visual D/F on R/T signals"

[underlined] SAFETY PRECAUTIONS TYPE "J." Switch [/underlined]
1/ Earth Both Aerials are switched. NO HT to Tx.
2/ D/F MO HT to Tx (6.3v supply to HTPU starter relay broken).
3/ Transmit positions on Type "J" (M/F on fly M/F on Fxd NORMAL). Rx Master switch on D/F positions - No HT to Rx

[underlined] EARTH [/underlined]

[technical diagrams]

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[underlined] AERIALS [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] D/F [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] Condensor [sic] [/underlined] placed in order to pick up everything on the loop that was picked up on the Fxd AE

[underlined] MF on FXD [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] NORMAL [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] HF on TRAILING [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[technical diagrams]


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Likely faults when taking D/F Loop Bearings

(a) [underlined] Correction [/underlined]

1/. Vertical Error (a) Screening Loop & Earth Centre of Loop
[ deleted number ]
2/ Direct Pick Up. (a) Screening
3/ Night Effect (a) Adcock AE System MF/DF
4/ Q.E. (a) Correction method
5/ Coastal Refraction

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[underlined] FAULT FINDING [/underlined] [underlined] R1155 [/underlined]

[underlined] NO. SIGNALS. [/underlined] [underlined] Check Magic Eye [/underlined]

[underlined] DARK [/underlined]
[flow diagram]

[underlined] RED [/underlined]
Check Rx Master Switch & Type "J" Switch and D/F Interlock plug on Tx Check Plugs

[underlined] GREEN NO DEFLECTION [/underlined]
[flow diagram]

[underlined] GREEN WITH DEFLECTION [/underlined]
[flow diagram]

BFO V7 u/s No Deflection and no C.W.

[underlined] D/F. FAULTS. [/underlined]

[ flow diagram]

[underlined] VISUAL [/underlined]
[flow diagram]

[underlined] Emergency D/F [/underlined] (on 1 valve) [underlined] V1 pos [/underlined] Switch to Aerial. Get minimum switch over to the "right" Decrease reading slightly and signal should increase for bearings

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[underlined] T.1154 FAULTS [/underlined]

[underlined] Transmission Faulty. [/underlined]

[fault finding flow diagram]

[underlined] Dip will not [indecipherable word] [/underlined]
no aerial or too little aerial

[underlined] Valve Emmission [sic] Test [/underlined]
Set yellow MO Control at 400 K/s with anode B aerial taps in V position. Take out 1 P.A. valve
Press key. Input reading for each valve must not be below 100m/a. If one valve [deleted words] is lower than this figure, it should be
replaced. Both valves in reading should be 200 m/a

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If Magic Eye u/s take out middle Jones Plug of Rx and connect the phone plug to the second pin from the bottom on the left and time for 1000cps note.

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[underlined] Electrical Supplies in Wimpy. [/underlined]
Diagram showing [underlined] CPVR Cut out & Longdex R. & Type52 Res [/underlined]

[technical diagram]

[underlined] Fuse numbers [/underlined] 10 A/c Lighting.
27 Fuse to H.T PU. 40amp.
33 Fuse to LT PU 20amp.
(R3003) 9 Fuse to I.F.F. 20amp.
(R1335) 23 Fuse to GEE. 20amp.
(R3003 FIRING) 39 Fuse to DETONATOR(IFF) 20amp.
(Blind App) 3 Fuse to SBA 10amp.
(Hydro Pack) 22 Fuse to TR 1196 5amp or 10amp?
60amp main charging Fuse under C.P.V. Regulator.
Fuse No [underlined] 5 [/underlined] Pressure Head [underlined] A Speed Indicator 10amp [/underlined]

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1500w EDG in Starboard Engine - Supplies all A/C.
2 banks of accs - 24v and spare bank for Emergency only.
When testing the supply fuse (60amps) ask pilot to throttle back on Starboard engine to below 1200 revs pm. to avoid sparking.
[underlined] Longdex Relay [/underlined] - Shorts part of Type 52. Res when EDG not charging up

[underlined] Type 52 Res [/underlined] This drops the supply voltage to 18v for the LT Rotor. One section is shorted by the Longdex R when EDG is not charging since the acc voltage is lower than that of the EDG.

LT Rotor Input 18v
HT Rotor Input 24v



Malcolm Staves, “Malcolm Staves' Notebook on Wireless Transmitters and Receivers,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024,

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