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  • Contributor is exactly "Jan Waller"

Encloses certificate granting her husband the permanent award of the path finder force badge. Warned not to let this matter be mentioned in any correspondence because if it fell into enemy hands it would not improve the position of a prisoner of war.

Catches up with recent family news and mentions death of relative and a friend. Says he has no fear of death himself but tries to keep prepared as best he could. Writes of interrogation over his accident and relates eye witness account that only 40…


Plans still unsettled. Was great pleasure to get his postcard. Writes of their activities and plans. Catches up with gossip and news of family and friends.

No recent letters from him and been without news for a long time. Writes of how severe winter was. Catches up with family news. Mentions going back to previous location for a few days and outline progress with move.

Compares English weather with what he is likely to be having. Reminisces on past events. Writes of their activities over Easter holiday. Mentions the chocolate he asked for and they were not able to get it. Wrote to Red Cross to help. Notes they are…

Writes of house hunting and taking temporary home until something more suitable available. Mentions activities, walking round town looking for shoes. Continues with description other activities. Writes of old Skipton grammar school friends. Mentions…

Looking forward to more letters from him. Mentions cost of airmail going up. Writes of activities and weather. Catches up with news of family and friends. Still awaiting news of house and discusses other issues and will be happy to get settled. Sent…

Writes of reply from Red Cross that it was not possible to send chocolate to him as no parcel post to Tunisia. However, telegrams were allowed. Also best way to communicate is through American consul in Tunis. Glad he can get cigarettes as shortage…

Writes about the recent good weather and the view from the house. Wonders whether he is able to enjoy Africa. Some time since his last letter but glad they are able to cable him, which they are planning to do that week. Catches up with local news and…

Apologises for her poor memory and using wrong dates on letters. Waiting reply to recent cable with pre-paid return. Notes recent communication which informed them he had moved to new camp. Writes of weather and enjoying new home. Says she is sending…

Glad to get latest letter dated 10 July. Comments on some content particularly cooking. Mentions other letter from same location also describing conditions including mention that Douglas had taken part in a boxing contest and that chaplain visited.…

Writes of how wonderful it is to be able to exchange cables. List latest letters to arrive. Catches up with news of acquaintances. Writes of their activities and the weather. Reminisces on past shared events and glad they are able to keep in touch.

Reminisces on past events. Mentions reading again the letters he sent before he went missing and how sad they made her. Says she sent him a cable previous day and comments on the weather. Recounts visit by relation and catches up with news and…

Received latest cable but no letters since Monday week. Catches up with news of family and friends. Mentions activities including fathers duties. Comments on the weather and the garden. Says that she paid subscription for old Mancunians membership…

Delighted that 6 letters from July had arrived. Holiday weekend over and both well.

Mentions fathers letter sent previous day and that 6 letters from him had arrived. Good that they receive his letters safely if sometimes out of sequence. Mentions his comments on his weather and says that winter is now approaching with blackout…

Writes about grandfather's visit and their activities. Delighted to receive latest cable from him which arrived very quickly. Discusses other communications. Recounts letter from his padre. Says she is keeping stamps from his letters. Continues with…

Thrilled that letter arrived with two photographs of him. Says good he is alive and well but that he had put on weight. Just a year since they received telegram telling them he was safe in Tunisia. Mentions letters and cables sent/received. Catches…

Rerports arrival of letters, postcards and cable. Awaiting photographs.

Reports arrival of two letters from him which mention that their photographs had arrived with him. Comments on photographs they sent him that she hads gained weight but father seems thinner every week. Mentions father has been working extra time.…

Chestnut trees in bloom, brings memories, hope.

Writes about his daily activities and plans for the weekend. Mentions a medical problem with septic finger. Sates that he has increased his allotment and was enclosing some food ration coupons. Sent from No 1 Embarkation Depot Ransford Melbourne.

Reports on recent mail. Mentions Christmas and that he would soon be celebrating his first anniversary away from Australia. Mentions two day stand own over Christmas but 20 mile travel ban and his plans for the break. Continues with more news of mail…

Writes about recent mail and catches up with family and friends news. Comments on conditions at his location including recent snow and thaw and burst water pipes. Reports arrival of cake and going to other nearby station to see Australian newsreels.…

Thanks him for cable and that he had just finished the last of his leave. Mention staying on base until the rest of his crew apart from one were buried at Harrogate. The other crew member's body was sent to Dorchester for a private funeral. Writes of…
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