Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents



Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents


Reminisces on past events. Mentions reading again the letters he sent before he went missing and how sad they made her. Says she sent him a cable previous day and comments on the weather. Recounts visit by relation and catches up with news and gossip. Mentions their activities and wonders if he is still getting intense heat. Looking forward to the time when they can be together again.




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Two page handwritten letter


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191 Halifax Road
Nelson Lancs.
Sunday Aug. 17th/41
[inserted] 10.9.41. [/inserted]
My dear Douglas.
I wonder if you are remembering where we were together two years ago, just now. Riding away from our night’s abode at Marshbrook at the end of our perfect holiday. Every day during this week I’ve relived each happy day of two years ago even to the stormy ride to [2 indecipherable words] rough going that, wasn’t it? Strange how one recalls happiness more easily than sadness. Memories of one year ago, very sad & grave. Last night I read again the letters sent daily, from your last station in England. Someday we’ll read them again together, & then destroy them & so help to forget the anxiety & care with which they were associated.
Well love I sent you a cable yesterday & mentioned that the day was Autumn & cold. We’ve just ended a week of most remarkable weather with gales rain & cold. I’ve told you Auntie & Bernard came on Tues. last for the day. The weather was not very good but it was fortunate they came that day and not Wed. which was a terror – very much like Feb. or March. On Thursday Mrs Clayton came & she had the best day of the week which isn’t saying much in the weather’s favour. I wish I could tell
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you some of her news but it would not be advisable. In any case so much of it would have to be followed by a big question mark. John expects a week’s leave on Aug. 19th but is not going home but to the Lake District “with friends”. From what Mrs Clayton says he & Dorothy are together again. So it would seem that Dorothy’s wedding was just another story. I thought it very fantastic, at the time.
I had a little note from Auntie Maud asking me to go for a day while Mollie is over with baby Andrew but travelling is very unpleasant in these days of depleted services & black outs & I think I’m better at home. The extra hour off summer time has made a lot of difference & winter seems to have come upon us suddenly with black out at 9 p.m.
At the moment Dad is busy with new pattern cards. He intended working in the garden, tidying hedges etc. but the weather, showery & cold is not very tempting. I am wondering if you have changeable weather too or if the heat is still intense as when you wrote on June 6th when you had just a few days previously bought a new “casque”. It is such a comfort to me to know that you have so many facilities for your well being. It might have been so much worse & as I keep on saying we are always looking forward to reunion & happy days again. In the matter of fruit you are better off than we are. It is many months since I saw an apple or an orange & we never saw an onion since Christmas until 2 weeks ago I got 3 small ones this week I’ve got one for 1/2d. Still we are thankful indeed for very many blessings & no words can tell what it means to me that I can write & cable to you.
All our love from Mother & Dad.
755052 Hudson
Camp Militaire
Aumale Algerie
North Africa.



P Hudson, “Letter to Douglas Hudson from his parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23319.

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