Browse Items (434 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Claire Monk "

Item 1 is a newspaper cutting about Ron Mathers' trip to the United States.
Item 2 is a photograph of a Lancaster 'TL-C' on the ground.

Photo 1 is the Polish president and the Polish Army Choir.
Photo 2 is a group of civilians in a classroom.
Item 3 is a note explaining the President's visit.
Photo 4 is Mieczysław Stachiewicz having tea and cake at the reception.


Photo 1 is a port side flying view. This is a Mk V with a twin tail.
Photo 2 is a port side flying view from slightly above.
Photo 3 is a starboard/front ground view.


Shows two bomb loads in two columns but with the right hand column crossed out. Shows tare, petrol, bomb and all up weight.

One column for single bomb load for all aircraft. Showing tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights.

Shows two bomb loads in two columns with first column crossed out. Shows tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights.

One column indicating a single bomb load. Shows tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights. Calculations in second column.

A red cloth napkin with the signatures of eight individuals, including Peter Banting and H J Rothwell his pilot. It is positioned with a yellow armband inscribed 'Deutsche Wehrmacht'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Covers period 28 January 1944 to 4 February 1944. Lists units for long range bombers, long range recce, fighter bomber, twin engine fighters, tactical recce and coastal. Followed by short note of disposition of fighters on western front. Follows a…

A photograph of the crew and an account of the night (27/28 September 1943) they were nearly shot down over Hanover. Crew names and positions are detailed as are the events of the night. One engine was on fire and this was extinguished by diving and…

Page 1. Assistance Board making advanced payment to cover immediate needs only of £2 for clothing and £5 for furniture on 15 August 1941. Advice if further help required. Annotated at the bottom '1st advance £6 clothing 27 December 1940, 2nd…

John Casey's wallet salvaged from a Stirling that he bailed out of near Normanton-on-Trent while training on 29 July 1944. Photograph of Rose who was an Irish woman who lived in the same digs as John Casey in Birmingham in 1941.

42 Airwomen arranged in four rows in front of a wooden hut. It is annotated 'NCO Admin School Wilmslow March 29th to April 19th 1944'. On the reverse many of the WAAFs have signed their names.

A postcard of a hilly area captioned 'Valley of a Thousand Hills, Natal'. There is also a clipping of 'Parted' by Patience Strong.

Sergeant observer J Douglas Hudson resting at home after being released from spending two years in French North African internment camps. Freed after British and American troop landings in November. Tells of force landing in Tunisia, internment in Le…

Article 1. Headlines: Paulus and 15 generals captured, 18,000 more prisoners at Stalingrad, total force surrounded known to be 330,000, Germans peril in Caucasus. Article 2. Headlines: Mr Churchill flies to Turkey, meeting with president Inönü,…

Article 1. Headlines: Mr Churchill meets Mr Roosevelt, ten days conference at Casablanca, plans for this year's offensives, unconditional surrender for the axis, de Gaulle sees Giraud, Article 2. Headlines: trapped Stalingrad armies liquidated,…

Article 1. Headlines: all resistance over at Stalingrad, remaining German forces capitulate, Lt-Gen Streicher taken prisoner. enemy lines pierced S.E. of Rostov. Article 2. Headlines: Cyprus great welcome for prime minister, islanders told of united…

A press cutting captioned 'Retreat from the coast' taken in the summer of 1943 shows two coastal airfields Calaise/Marck and Abbeville/Drucat indicating that the Germans had started rendering their coastal airfields temporarily unserviceable.

A postcard taken from a roof looking along a street with on one side the sea and on the other buildings and palm trees. The card is addressed to 'The kids c/o Mrs Wrigley' at RAF Hemswell.

From information provided by the donor. Tom Tobin was an Australian captain on no 153 Squadron and a friend of Peter. The photograph shows the Tobin crew after their last operation of their tour, to Heligoland. The reverse has crew signatures and…

From information provided by the donor. Tom Tobin was a friend of Peters on 153 Squadron. Photograph shows Tom's crew and two of the ground crew before an operation to Munich. Names of crew hand written on photograph.

Announced missing from air operations: Pilot Officer Hedley Madgett DFM.

Page captioned, 'Tocra N/Africa 1943, "The first time I ever saw her face" W.V.S. photo of Jean'. Three photographs and print of squadron badge.
First photograph, Jack and 'Ginger' MacGan sitting reading newspapers, tent in background, Captioned…
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