Browse Items (35357 total)

Two coloured views of Quebec.

Head and shoulders photograph of an airman in uniform. The photographer's name appears on the border of the print but is undecipherable. Annotated on reverse 'To Mum with love from George xxx'.

Two coloured views of Quebec.

Nine children, five girls and four boys, standing and sitting outside a teepee tent. The photograph is printed on a postcard addressed to '21 Melville St, Lincoln, Mrs G Dickinson'. Annotated on reverse 'Group [indecipherable] at Bracebridge…

The cover of an envelope containing coloured drawings of Quebec. The cover has a twin funnelled passenger ship sailing under the Quebec bridge.

Three children dressed as Native Americans outside a tent. A young girl is stirring a cooking pot and an older girl, seated on a stool, is making a rug. The third child is lying on the ground with resting their chin on their elbow. The photograph…

Two men and two boys on a boat motoring along the Fossdyke navigation past a commercial barge. One man is at the helm holding the rudder and an outboard engine, the other is standing with his arms on the cabin roof. One boy emerging from the cabin…

A woman sitting outside in a deckchair with a young girl standing next to her. The woman is holding a book or newspaper. The deckchair has a sun canopy and there is a sun umbrella stuck in the ground. Annotated on the reverse 'Mother & Pat 1933'.

A coloured card of the church in Montreal.

A coloured card of the hospital and a 15 point abbreviated history of Montreal.

A group of smiling children sitting on a wall outside. The face of the print is annotated with a cross above one boy's head. Annotated on the reverse 'me, Peg & Ron B. B. Heath'.

A card with a tram used for taking tourists round in Montreal.

Two coloured cards of Montreal.

Two colour postcards of Montreal.

A young child seated in a wooden chair holding a cockerel on his lap. Annotated on reverse 'Ron in Ellison St Bracebridge'.


Introductory letter from Sir Arthur Harris for Hamish Mahaddie, in support of Mahaddie's post-war lecture tour of Australia and New Zealand. Harris greets Bomber Command veterans and describes the significance of their contribution to the war.…

Front quarter view of a Lancaster with code PQ of 467 Squadron parked on dispersal with undercarriage wheel covers. Ladders and engine trestles by the wingtips.

Aircrew and ground crew gathered by the nose of a Lancaster with nose art of cartoon boxing kangaroo, the words 'Flak Ship' and one swastika symbol.

Four airmen lined up by a small wooden and corrugated iron shed with a small sign saying 'bombers arms'. Second man is holding a small practice bomb.

Six aircrew wearing Mae West standing and squatting under the nose of a Lancaster with nose art of squadron leader rank sleeve with hand giving thumbs up, 'Squadron Leader X' and letters 'X-PO' of 467 Squadron. Another Lancaster on dispersal in the…
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