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  • Tags: Bombing of the Saumur tunnel (8/9 June 1944)

John was a bomb aimer and after completing a tour in Bomber Command, he and his crew volunteered to join 617 Squadron. Interviewed by wing commander Cheshire, who they found to be very compassionate, easy to talk to and who didn't give orders but…

Mary (daughter of Sir Barnes Wallis) discusses her father’s design work and remembers both skipping stones on a river during holidays with her father and catapulting marbles over a washtub in their garden. She goes on to discuss the Eder Möhne and…

Standard buff file cover subject 'Saumur, 8/9 June. Contents 'Night photos, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, interpretation report, narrative'.

To officer commanding Conningsby Base RAF Woodhall Spa passing on congratulations on success of Saumur tunnel operation.

Relates that in response to request from the Army a planned operation was cancelled at late notice and replaced by operation against the railway tunnel at Saumur. As accurate bombing was required it was decided to use the recently available 12,000…

Concentration of craters at south end of target area, severe damage to tracks and embankment. Notes direct hit in roof of tunnel a few feet from south entrance and lists six other areas of damage.

Provides date - night 8/9 June 1944, target- railway tunnel and bridge, Saumur, zero hour - 0200. Leader and marker no 1 - Wing Commander Cheshire flying Mosquito. Lists pilot and navigator of two other markers flying Mosquito. Lists 25 other crews…

Target photograph shows bomb explosion left side half way up. Tracer tracks across image. On the reverse '51:92/17'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with railway line running from top left to middle right. Caption '19, W.S 8/9 6.44, NT 8", 0'5 0223, Special Target A. 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Knight'. On the reverse '51:92/5'.

Target photograph shows bomb explosion in centre of image. Caption ' 114, W.S, 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8", Special Target, H. 1 x 14000, F/Lt Clayton H, 617''. On the reverse '51:92/6'.

Target photograph showing open countryside south west of Samur with Rue du Pont Fouchard running from top left to bottom right. There are lines of tracer on top and bottom left. Caption '119, W.S. 8/9.6.44, NT 8", Special Target, K.6 x 1000. 6x7FL,…

Target photograph showing open country with tracer emanating from centre right. Caption '110, W.S. 8/9.6.44, NT 8", 320,0245, Special Target, K1. 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/Lt Wilson N, 617'. On the reverse 51:92/8'.

Target photograph showing open countryside. On the left a road runs top to bottom with buildings along both sides. Tracer shown middle right. Caption '96, S.W1, 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8850, 226 degree, 0212, Saumur, P, 1 x 14000, 15 sec, F/O Kell P, 617'. On…

Target photograph showing blurred open countryside. Caption ' 102, W.S. 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8, 10500, 329 degrees, 0217, Special Target, Q, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, S/Ldr McCarthy, Q, 617'. On the reverse '51:92/10'.

Target photograph shows open countryside with line feature running top centre to bottom right. Bomb explosion centre left with tracer tracks along the bottom. Caption 'W.S., 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8, Special Target, Q, 1 x 14000, S/Ldr McCarthy, Q, 617'. On…

Target photograph shows open countryside. Railway line runs from top centre to middle right, with one leading the Saumur tunnel. Caption '101, W.W., 8/9.6.44, NT8", 324, 0230, Special Target, T, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Willsher, T, 617'. On the…

Target photograph shows bomb explosion left centre. Caption '107, W.S., 8/9.6.44, NT. 8", Special Target, U, 1 x 14000, F/Lt Keans, U, 617'. On the reverse '51:92/13'.

Target photograph showing open country. Railway line runs top centre curving to bottom centre. Bomb explosion right middle to the right of railway line. Caption '92, W.S., 8/9.6.44, 9,300, 080, 0211, Special Target, V, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, P/O Cheney,…

Target photograph showing open countryside with rali line running top centre to centre. Bomb explosion centre slight below middle to the left of rail line. Caption '100, w.s., 8/9.6.44, NT 8", 312, 0214, Special Target, W, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, S/Ldr…

Target photograph showing open countryside with railway line running from top left towards centre. Caption 'W.S., 8/9.6.44,,NT 8", 285 degrees, 0213, Special Target, Z, 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Ross, Z, 617'. On the reverse '51:02/16'.

Target photograph showing bridge over river in top left. Bomb explosion on lower bank to the right bridge. Caption '2377, Con, 8/9.6.44, NT 8", 7000, 260, 0220, Sp[ecial Rd, 5 x 1000, 9CP3.18 secs, W/O Erritt, Q, 88'. On the reverse '51@92/18, 1 1/2…

Reconnaissance photograph of Saumur tunnel entrance and surrounding area taken on 9 June 1944 after attach with 12,000 lb bombs. Description notes direct hit on roof of entrance to tunnel and two other 100 foot craters on the approach to tunnel. On…

Reconnaissance photograph showing open countryside with road running top left to right and another from bottom left to right. On the reverse '15.6.44, WS G 80, 51:92/25'.
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