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  • Tags: pilot

Head and shoulders portrait of a pilot wearing tunic with brevet.

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View of collection of documents including log book and passport along with 9 Squadron Badge and photographs of John Turner and a Wellington airbourne.

Cloth pilots brevet with kings crown

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Headed Mr Crosskey, states Albion John Turner Flight Sergeant Pilot (regular) from Scampton in Wellington killed on Sept 3 1939 over Kiel Harbour, no 561939, Sage, plot 4, Row E, No 3, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Oldenburg.

Photo 1 - inside the hangar at RAF Coningsby. Two aircraft are visible and it is annotated 'BBMF Hanger [sic] prior to the Canadian Lancaster being towed in'.

Photo 2 - a front image of a Spitfire in the hangar.

Photos 3 and 4 - Denis Bradbury…

Photo 1 - Denis Bradbury and family at the tail of the RAF Lancaster.
Photo 2 - a view of a hangar and Spitfire across the wing of the RAF Lancaster.
Photo 3 - Denis and the Canadian pilot at the tail of the Canadian Lancaster, VR-A, captioned 'The…

Photo 1 - a view of the front of the Lancaster, partly obscured by a head.
Photo 2 - the Lancaster taxing in after landing with the nose of a second Lancaster on the left.
Photo 3 - the Lancaster parked annotated 'Parked for passengers & crew to…

Internal images of inside the RAF Lancaster, captioned 'Last time in a Lancaster was on Thursday 20th. March 1947 flying back to Ein Shemer from Malta Now inside a Lancaster some 67 and a half years later.'

Photo 1 - the cockpit, annotated 'Pilot…

A group of seven airmen sitting on top of a Lancaster, JI-N, PB142. One man is sitting on the mid-upper turret. Underneath is 'Rosebud'.

From the left the crew is: wireless operator / air gunner Sergeant Denis Carlos Bradbury 198880 (1811449), mid…

Seven airmen in two rows at the rear of a Lancaster, JI-N'. Four are identified with annotations - 'Len Thatcher, Hank Snow, Denis Bradbury, Woody Freamo'.

Seven airmen in flying gear at the rear of a 514 Squadron Lancaster.

From left to right, back: Gorton Craig 'Gort' Angus; Donald G. 'Don' Thompson; Henry Charles 'Hank' Snow; Roy A. Moran; Leonard James 'Len' Thatcher.
Front: Bernard Ellwood…

Five airmen standing at the rear of Lancaster QR-J. The crew from left to right is Bill Jackman, mid upper gunner; Des Murray, navigator; David Scholes, pilot; Ron Myall, bomb aimer, and Geoff Allen, rear gunner (RAAF).

This item was sent to the…

A head and shoulders portrait of Flying Officer Henry Thomas Hills.

A group of trainee pilots in flying overalls and helmets in front of a line of De Havilland Tiger Moths.

On the reverse 'Trainee pilots at No 3 F.T.S. Yatesbury. Phillip Winter – fourth from right in back row, Arthur Woolnough on his…

Two sergeant pilots smiling facing camera.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Philip Winter in a formal group setting of 19 trainees in front of a building. Captioned 'Phillip Winter with Trainee Pilots No 3 FTS Yatesbury (1)'.
On the reverse 'Original. Official "Flight" photograph of trainee pilots at No 3 FTS…

Philip Winter dressed in a Sidcot suit with flying goggles around his neck standing in front of a Tiger Moth facing away from camera.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Wedding of Bruce Wilson and Margaret - he trained with Ralph White who is far left.

Photograph shows groom in uniform, two other airmen, bride with long white dress, veil and bouquet and holding horseshoe charm on a ribbon; two bridesmaids in…

Head and shoulders portrait of Ralph White in uniform. On the cove is 'Wakefields Ltd Chiswick'.

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Ralph White and Alan Hopkins standing in full uniform in front of a wooden fence. They were called up from Reserve for a short time in 1953.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

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The front of a Halifax with group of eight airmen - Ralph White far right. The nose art has a kangaroo, a bomb with Reich 1000lbs, Matthews & Co Express Delivery Service , 55 small kangaroos indicating 55 operations and a small swastika.

Issued to Ralph White. It gives his scores on ground exams and flying tests and an assessment of his flying abilities

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

Pilots flying log book for A J Turner, covering the period from 18 February 1935 to 31st August 1939. Detailing his flying training and pre-war flying duties with 216 Squadron and 9 Squadron. He was stationed in Egypt and at RAF Aldergrove, RAF…

Fifty one personnel of differing ranks, some in the rear are RAF trainees wearing tunic and white flash side caps, other may be staff or from other air forces (Turkish). Personnel in front are sitting and those behind standing. In the background an…
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