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  • Tags: Lancaster

Lancaster 'AR-A' taken from the side on the ground. In the foreground is a wooden board with '4' on it and a T indicating the runway in use. Two other Lancasters and a hangar can be seen in the background.

A Lancaster squadron letters 'PO-P' (467 Squadron) astride a road with undercarriage on grass verge having overrun. A group of man stand on road and another group by starboard wing.

Photo 1 is of A-26B Invaders viewed across the starboard engines of a Lancaster, captioned 'Drome in France'. On the reverse is '440'.
Photo 2 is of a Liberator in flight viewed from a Lancaster, captioned 'Formation flying with a Yank'. On the…

Air to air view of Lancaster PM-R. In the background Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln Castle and Bailgate area.

An air to air photograph of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight's Lancaster flying over Lincoln to the south of the cathedral.


A Lancaster flying low over Lincoln Cathedral. A starboard side air-to-air view from the rear, taken by a second aircraft.


Newspaper cutting - 'Lancaster over London - the day Nelson was upstaged by rare glimpse of aviation history'.

Air to ground photograph of Lancaster over Trafalgar Square with Nelson's column in centre. Writes how sound of Lancaster's Merlin…


Newspaper cutting of an air-to-ground photograph of Lancaster over Trafalgar Square with Nelson's column in centre.

Captioned: 'Legends of the past united as the RAF's last flying Lancaster cruises above Nelson's column during a nostalgic flight…


An air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster KM-B PA474 flying over a Burghley House. It shows the front/starboard side of the aircraft.


Air-to-air view of Lancaster TL-B in light paint scheme flying right over an airfield with runway running from middle right to bottom.

Air-to-air view of Lancaster flying over river Tamar estuary, south of Saltash looking west up the Lynher river. Several ships below.

A Lancaster flying left with landing gear down a few feet above a runway. In the background hangars and other airfield buildings.

A Lancaster drops poppies over the Victoria Memorial at the end of the Mall. It is captioned '50th Anniversary of VJ day 1995' and has a commemorative stamp 'Lancaster' stamp issued in June 97.

View of the bottom of a Lancaster overhead flying to the left.


Port side view of Lancaster PA238 with its engines running. The cowlings are off and it is being observed by an airman. Behind is an open hangar.

A painting of a Lancaster in flight.
On the reverse -
'My aircraft
Q for Queenie
Q - Quadriga (4 horse chariot)
100 Sqdn
Elsham Wolds
Call sign - Shopboy from
-Curlwig Q Queenie'.

Two paintings of a Lancaster from an album. In the first, by David Shepherd, the Lancaster is being readied for an operation with bombs being loaded and a fuelling truck waiting. In the second three Lancasters are taxying for take off.

Front quarter view of Lancaster parked with bomb doors open. On the nose 'G' and many rows of bomb symbols. Background left a 4000 lb bomb on trolley. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, G + 1 x 4000 lb bomb. AVC. Doddington Road end'.

A Lancaster with light paint scheme parked on hard-standing with bomb bay doors open. In the foreground and airman (Arthur Pearce) wearing battledress with half brevet, ribbons and pathfinder badge holding barrel of an aircraft machine gun with butt…

Lancaster with man on rear fuselage, another behind cockpit and two by starboard inner engine. In the foreground part of a tree and a bicycle on edge of dispersal. Behind the aircraft miscellaneous equipment. Aircraft letter 'S'.

Side view of a Lancaster parked on grass with squadron letters 'KM-C'.

Rear quarter view of starboard side of Lancaster 'VN-T' parked on grass with covers on landing gear. On the reverse 'AVC, 50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, R5546, April 42 - Lost 31-3-44'.

Front quarter view of Lancaster parked on snow covered ground outside a hangar with open doors.

Two photographs of unidentified Lancaster parts.


Lancaster nose with five airmen in khaki uniforms working round it. On the nose is painted 'Thor'.
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